saying that they had sent an express to the United States
army containing Governor Youngs orders for them to surr
enders all there arms & baggage to Lewis Robinson Quarter
Master General at Fort Bridger or to retreat back to the
States or we should resist them. They were camped upon Hams fork and they were awaiting an Answer to this
Message & would send an express in as soon as they got it
they related an incident of their triying to stampede their ani-
mals but found them not ownly hobbled but chained with
a log chain. One Brother Simons was shot dead through
the Head acidentally by another Brother the Body is sent in
to his friends
4th Sunday I attended meeting in the bowery the missionaries
spoke during the day mostly I attended prayer meeting in the evening Emma Woodruff had a son born at 4 oclock PM.
~ Monday
5th I spent the day in the office. President Young called into
the office & heard a part of the account of the death of Joseph by John Taylor He said that what there was necessary to put
into Josephs History & publish the rest as John Taylors History
~ Tuesday
6th The General Conference commenced this morning I am
suffering immensly with pain in the Head from over taxing
my eyes I attended in the forenoon & remained at home in
the afternoon
~ Wednesday
7th I attended conference this afternoon the conference closed
at night the time was mostly occupied by the missionaries
& the 12 President Young spoke at the close of the meeting
~ Thursday
8th I spent the day at home gringding out some of my sugar
cane for makeing Molasses it works well in this country
we got in an express saying that a company under Lot
Smith burned up 50 waggons of the Government mostly
corn & while it was burning General Harney & his cavalry
came up & that the same company had gone East to burn
up what they could it was thought there would be some
desided action soon
~ Friday
9th I have 2 men pressing out my sugar cane
~ Saturday
10th I spent the day with 2 men grinding sugar cane I worked
vary hard and was unwell all day Mrs Woodruff made a custard
and all of us who partook of it appeared poisioned we became vary
sick & vomited vary hard we could not learn any way that it could
have been poisoned ownly a spoon was boiled in it that was silver
and it was supposed that nitrad of silver came from the spoon
which was boiled in it. I was vary sick through the night
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I was sick all day and remained at home it was
a hard rainy day. ^One of President Youngs wives died to day Clara Chase Young^ Sister Young was buried to day
^I Blessed Emmas child & named him Hiram Smith 11th^
Oct 1st 1857
saying that they had sent an express to the United States
army containing Governor Youngs orders for them to surr
enders all there arms & baggage to Lewis Robinson Quarter
Master General at Fort Bridger or to retreat back to the
States or we should resist them. They were camped upon
Hams fork and they were awaiting an Answer to this
Messaage & would send an express in as soon as they got it
they related an incident of their trying to stampede their animals but found them not ownly hobbled but chained with
a log chain. One Brother Simons was shot dead through
the Head acidentally by another Brother the Body is sent in
to his friends
4th Sunday I attended meeting in the bowery the missionaries
spoke during the day mostly I attended prayer meeting in the evening
Emma Woodruff had a son born at 4 oclok PM.
~ Monday
5th I spent the day in the office. President Young called into
the office & heard a part of the account of the death of Joseph by
John Taylor He said that what there was necessary to put
into Josephs History & publish the rest as John Taylors History
~ Tuesday
6th The General Conference Commenced this morning I am
suffering immensly with pain in the Head from over taxing
my eyes I attended in the forenoon & remained at home in
the afternoon
~ Wednesday
7th I attended Conference this afternoon the conference closed
at night the time was mostly occupied by the missionaries
& the 12 President Young spoke at the close of the meeting
~ Thursday
8th I spent the day at home grinding out some of my sugar
cane for makeing Molasses it works well in this country
we got in an express saying that a company under Lot
Smith burned up 50 waggons of the Government mostly
corn & while it was burning General Harney & his Cavalry
came up & that the same company had gone East to burn
up what they could it was thought there would be some
desided action soon
~ Friday
9th I have 2 men pressing out my sugar cane
~ Saturday
10th I spent the day with 2 men grinding sugar cane I worked
vary hard and was unwell all day. Mrs Woodruff made a custard
and all of us who partook of it appeared poisoned we became vary
sick & vomited vary hard we could not learn any way that it could
have been poisoned ownly a spoon was boiled init that was silver
and it was supposed that nitrad of silver came from the spoon
which was boiled in it. I was vary sick through the night
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I was sick all day and remained at home it was
a hard rainy day. One of President Youngs wives died to day Clara Chase Young Sister Young was buried to day
I Blessed Emmas child & named him Hiram Smith jr
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 1, 1857 - October 11, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,