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Day in the Life

Sep 14, 1836

Journal Entry

September 14, 1836 ~ Wednesday

14th Spent the day at Br Lanes in writings felt some
unwell {in consequence of an uncommon bile or biles} in the evening walked
to Brother Camps was quite lame at night {Distance} 5 miles


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Camp, John
abt. 1804-1876
36 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
49 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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I requested the Elders to lay hands upon me for Sickness & lameness which they did do & I was healed of both
~ Wilford Woodruff
September 19, 1836 ~ Monday 19th Is a day long to Be remembered by me & others in Consequence of the interesting scenes transpir'd with the Saints of God in the South Isaiah & others of the Ancient Prophets testify to us of the great events of the last days esspecially of the literal gathering of Israel. They say the Saints shall gather from the East & from the West & that that the North shall give up & the South Keep not back This interesting day had now arived yea the 19th of Sept 1836 when some of the Saints of God in the South began to take their families, their Charriots Waggons
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
14 Spent the day at Brother Lane's in writing felt some unwell {in consequence of an uncommon bile or biles} in the evening walked to Br Camp's was quite lame at night 5 miles


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Sep 14, 1836