Day in the Life

Dec 25, 1836

Journal Entry

December 25, 1836 ~ Sunday

25 Sunday went up to the house of God to worship
& herd a discours from Brother Samuel Smith Brother
Hiram Smith broak bread which closed the meeting
Elder Smoot was quite sick & healed by the laying on of hands


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
428 mentions
Smith, Samuel
11 Jun 1807 - 28 Jun 1850
65 mentions
Family, 1835 Southern Convert


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We had an inter esting meeting much of the spirit of Prophecy was poured out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy they Proclaimed great & marvelous things upon their heads President Young had visions while Performing this ordinance
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
On after attending meeting at the Temple Samuel Smith preached & Hiram Smith administered the Sacrament to the people, He several of the Quorum of the Twelve administered to Abram O. Smoot who lay very sick with the plurisy ^Scarlet Fever^ O Hyde was mouth He was Healed. ((During the year 1836 I travelled 6,537 miles. I held 153 meetings, attended 4 conferences, and held 4 debat[e]s. I baptized and confirmed 27 persons. I ordained 2 Elders, 3 Priest, & 2 deacon. I blessed 19 children. 4 persons were healed under my hands. I procured $70 dollars for the Messenger & Advocate & $91 for the Temple. I wrote 34 letters and received 7. I had three mobs come against me but was delivered out of their hands.))
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
25. Sunday went up to the house of God to worship & herd a discourse from Brother Samuel Smith Brother Hiram Smith Broak bread which closed the meeting Elder Smoot was quite sick but healed by the laying on of hands


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Dec 25, 1836