Day in the Life

May 28, 1837

Journal Entry

May 28, 1837 ~ Sunday

28th Sunday I repaired to the house of the Lord to worship
the GOD of Israel with the congregation of the Saints in Kirt
. Behold, it was a day of experience, of interest, & of
Knowledge. The same spirits of murmering, complaining, & of
mutiny, that I spake of in Feb 19th in this journal, hath not
slept from that day to the present they have been brewing
in the family circle in the secret chamber & in the streets
untill many & some in high places had risen up against
Joseph the servent whom God had raised up to lead Israel
and they were striving to overthrow his influence &
cast him down untill Joseph was grieved in spirit to stand
in such perils among fals brethren. But notwithstand-
ing this thick cloud of darkness standing over Kirtland Joseph
being unmoved in the cause entered the congregation of
the Saints arose in the stand & spake to the people in the
name of the Lord in his own defence the Lord was with
him by his power & spirit to the convinceing of the honest
that he would stand & his enemies fall. Sidney followed
him with an able discourse & several others spake
in the spirit in the spirit of God maintaining Joseph
in his integrity. But; Alas, one arose, once a friend,
(not now) in the blackness of his face & corruption of
his heart stretched out his puny arm and proclaimed
against Joseph. Joseph acted wisely while all saw the
spirit of his foe O, {Warren Warren} when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren
O my God deliver me from such a crime I pray thee


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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Rigdon, Sidney
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday the I repared to the House of the Lord to worship with the congregation of the Saints. The spirit of murmering and rebellion of which I have already spoken in a former page had not slept but had been brewing in the family circle in the secret chamber and in the street until many and some in high places had risen up against Joseph who^m^ God raised up to lead Israel and they were striving to overthrow his influence and cast him down. This grieved the spirit of the Prophet to find such perils among false brethren
Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
person was injured soon all was calm again. On Sunday Joseph Smith addressed the people in the Temple upon the subject of the apostacy in the Church in Kirtland the spirit of murmuring complaining, and aposticy had increased throughout Kirtland untill it was almost difficult to tell who was Joseph friends and who were not this spirit had been incresed in the family circle in secret chambers, and in the streets untill many ^had apostitized^ were apostitizing not both in high places and through the whol body of the Church and many were taking strong grounds against Joseph they were trying to cast him down and destroy his influence. This grieved Joseph to the heart to have to pass through such perils among fals brethren. But notwithstanding this thick cloud of darkness which hung over Kirtland Joseph ^He^ remained unmoved in the cause of God and was determined to magnify his calling and leave the evil in the hand of God. At this time the number of his friends that occupied high station in the Church that had faith and moral courage to stand by him shoulder to shoulder were vary few among the number was Brigham Young who stood by him in evry trial he was also sustained by Heber C Kimball Sidney Rigdon and a few others it was in the midst of this scene of things that Joseph entered the stand congregation and arose in the stand and spoke to the people in the name of the Lord in his own defence the Lord was with him by his power and spirit to the convincing of the honest in heart that he would stand while his enemies would fall. Sidney Rigdon followed him as he did several others and sustained him in his position Warren Parrish spoke against him in the bitterness of his heart as had some of the twelve before, but the people could discern the difference of the spirit between Joseph and his enemies. But Joseph came off triumphant in all of his difficulties and accusations that came from fals brethren or his persecution from the world While in the mist of this scene of things in Kirtland I felt impressed to go out upon a mission the spirit that was upon me lead me to go to Fox Islands called


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Woodruffs live with Jonathan and Olive Hale; Wilford records patriarchal blessings for Joseph Smith Sr.

May 28, 1837