Day in the Life

Nov 20, 1837

Journal Entry

November 20, 1837 ~ Monday

NOV. 20th I wrote a letter to Elder Don C. Smith at
Kirtland I forwarded him 13 subscribers for the
Elders Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I gave
an account of 17 members of the Church ion fox Islands
I also forwarded $10 dollars of subscription money for
the Elders Journal from the following persons. Justus
$1, Stephen Luce Esq $1, Cyrus Starrett $1, Nathaniel
$1, Jonathan Burgess $1, Ezekiel Burgess $1,
Joshua Calderwood $1, Charles Brown $1, John Smith $1,
Ebenezar Ames $1. Also Isaac Crockett, Anthony
Coombs jr
, John Sellers, not paid

I also wrote a letter to Sister Sarah Foss & forwarded
$6 dollars to her Spent the night at Brother Ames


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Coombs, Anthony (Jr.)
17 Feb 1781 - 22 Jun 1846
6 mentions
Maine Mission
Brown, Charles
abt. 1805-1839
37 mentions
Family, Maine Mission
Starrett, Cyrus
21 Feb 1802 - 31 Dec 1879
31 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Smith, Don Carlos, b. 1816
25 Mar 1816 - 7 Aug 1841
Ames, Ebenezer
abt. 1775-bef. 1850
15 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Burgess, Ezekiel (Jr.)
3 Mar 1797 - 4 Jan 1841
1 mention
Maine Mission
Crockett, Isaac
aft. 1790-bef. 1851
14 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Sellers, John M.
24 May 1788 - 3 Sep 1860
6 mentions
Maine Mission
Smith, John (Jr.)
10 Aug 1775 - 11 Oct 1863
9 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
14 mentions
Maine Mission
Calderwood, Joshua
5 Dec 1795 - 12 Feb 1881
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas, Nathaniel
abt. 1803-1844
73 mentions
Maine Mission
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions
Luce, Stephen
10 Jul 1801 - 28 Apr 1872
25 mentions
Maine Mission


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Letter to Don Carlos Smith, 20 November 1837
Elder DON C. SMITH. The 11th No. of the Messenger and Advocate con- taining the PROSPECTUS for the Elders Journal has providentially fallen into my hands. It is cheering to my feel- ings to learn that such a paper is to be presented before the world. I believe it will become a powerful engine in re- moving a flood of prejudice from the minds of thousands of this generation, and encourage the Saints to persevere in the glorious cause in which they are engaged even if their path should at times be intersected with trials, afflic- tions, and persecutions. And while we peruse the account of the Elders of Is- rael, whom God hath called, commis- sioned and sent forth to establish light and truth in the earth and to prune his vineyard for the last time: [Jacob 5:62] we rejoice at their success. And as we learn of their prosperity in the ministry, while faithfully proclaiming the word of God we feel encouraged to go and do like- wise. My object in addressing you at this time, is to forward you a list of the names of some of our friends from the several Islands of the sea, who wish you to send them your valuable paper, viz: the Elders Journal of the church of Latter Day Saints, and knowing there are thousands of Saints who feel interested in the progress of the work of the Lord in these last days, and be- lieving it to be interesting to them to learn that the Lord is raising up a peo- ple upon the Islands of the Sea, who are engaged in the same cause with their brethren and sisters, that are scat- tared abroad through the land. I will endeavor to give a brief account of its prospect in this part of the moral vine- yard. Elder Jonathan H. Hale and myself addressed a letter to Elder Jo- seph Smith jr. and the church at Kirt- land, under date Sept. 18th. We then gave an account of our visit to the Islands, the reception we met with a- mong the people, and the commence- ment of the work of the Lord. On the 13th of Oct. following we held a meeting on North Fox Island Vinal-


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Nov 20, 1837