20 We have made arangments this morning to seperate Brother Thomas & Townsend think some of
stoping by the way to winter while Brothers E. Luce & C. Brown & myself will continue our journey
together. our company is truly getting small. one of my horses is vary sick for the night truly the Lord
ownly can open my way to continue my Journey after getting our waggon mended we travled to an Inn
within 7 miles of woster & spent the night. my horse is much better & performs his Journey well our 12 [miles]
21company is now reduced to three families we feel united in spirit & are determined to Journey
in the name of the Lord we had a comfortable room at the Inn by ourselves for the night & while
sitting by the fireside Sister Lydia Luce a faithful Saint & full of faith related a dream that she had
on the night of the 19th the dream was of consequence & full of meaning it was as follows She saw
the moon in the North of a silver colour she saw a small sun in the south & while looking at the strange
appearance of the heavens there appeared a ring of Blood in the west & there soon appeared several
other rings of Blood of a larger size all encircling each other being a ring in a ring & there soon appeared
a ladder of fire in the heavens & it fell to the earth & broke in two pieces one part of the ladder had an
Iron plate fassened to the end of it with sumthing fassended to it & I Willford Woodruff went & picked
it up & read it & behold it contained the XV Chapter of Isaiah read the chapter for yourselves &
learn wisdom
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