Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1840

Journal Entry

January 29, 1840 ~ Wednesday

29th I took the parting hand with Elder
Turley who started for Birmingham may
the Lord Bless him I pray I preached at
Brother Woods in New Castle & spent the

night at his house. Distance of the day 3 miles
^I blessed 3 children^


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Wood, John
abt. 1803-1876
Turley, Theodore
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 29 January 1840

At Alfred Cordon’s, Club buildings, Navigation road, Burslem, Staffordshire, England. My Dear Phebe While seated in a foreign land I once more take up my pen to fill a sheet for your perusal May grace, mercy, faith, peace, health, strength, & patience & resignation, rest upon you from GOD our Father & our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I have chosen a large sheet because I have much I wish to say unto you. I sent you a letter when I first arived in Liverpool but had not time to write but few words but merly designed you to know of my arival But knowing that you feel interested in my mission. I will coppy from my journal in this letter an account of my voyage & travels since I left New York to the present time, & then make such other remarks as I may have room. Dec 18th, 1839 in New York. I laboured hard all day to prepare for sailing. Three of us went on board (with our Baggage) of the Oxford a regular packet ship of the New York & Liverpool line. viz Elders Taylor, Turley & myself, we slept on board. 19th The Oxford left the dock & moved out into the stream. 20th At 12 oclock she spread her canvass & set sail, was assisted a few miles by a steam Boat. She had on board 15 cabin & 64 steerage passengers & Capt John Rathbone, 1st Mate Yates, 2nd mate Jones, one carpenter & 26 sailors, making 109 souls in all. Cabin fare $1.40 dollars steerage $15. Fair wind & sail well. 21st stift breeze & fair wind most all on board sea sick. 22nd Most are still sick Taylor, Turley, & myself some sick, a high wind through the day & a high gale at night, Boat rocked & pitched Badly. 23rd Sea vary rough & winds high, some still sick 24th Sea mountains high & as rough as the Hills & valies of Kirtland. when we were in the trough of the sea, the waters would appear to be an hundred feet above us in the air, the waters broke over the ship, & I got vary wet, & as their was no fire to go to except to cook by, I sat on deck in the wind untill late in the evening to get dry, & though it was winter it was not vary cold. 25th A calm in the mo rning, the ship rocked bad upon the dead swells, wind soon rose & we sailed well 26th A rough sea & strong Breeze. 27th fair winds, but some short squals. got over sea sickness, have a sharp appetite 28th Rough sea saw a large school of Black fish & porposes. 29th pleasant morning & high breeze though the day. 30th A rough sea severe gale at night. it was with diffi- culty we could keep our births, while at the same time, Boxes, Barrels, & trunks were tumbling about the cabins. This with the noise of the Officers, & sailors reefing & taking in sail, together with the sound of the roaring winds & rushing waves made much confusion. 31st Sea rough, sails under class reef, cloudy weather. This is the Last Day of 1839. Their is not much to interest the mind while taking a voyage at sea. (excepting the roo^ll^ing Billows which are magestic) for one is frecquently for many days without the sight of land or ever seeing a sail at sea, & must be crouded thick together in a cabin or stay upon dek in the spray, wind, or storm &c. JAN. 1st 1840. So time rolls along rough sea, blustering, cloudy, & high winds 2nd The sun rose clear, it being the first time we have seen it for 5 days we have a calm, a sail is in sight, the first one we have seen since we left New York it is stern of us. 3rd Fair & good breeze sail 12 miles an hour. We spoke a British Brigg from Halifax 20 days at sea bound for Liverpool in Long. 34.40. We past her with great speed. 4th Fair weather & wind, stiff Breeze & fast sailing. They had a time of butchering hogs & sheep on board. 5th rough sea, high winds, & rain. We saw a large school of porposes. A calm & pleasant evening which we spent on deck viewing the stars & Ocean. 6th A calm we have 12 sails spread. 7th A dead calm to day in Lon. 17.40 The passengers shot a number of fowls which fell dead into the water. We spoke a Scottish Bark from Leith Scotland bound for Granada a west Indies Island 7 days at sea. We saw a large school of Black fish some of them were 20 feet in length. 8th a good wind. a lighted bar Barrel was sat afloat from the ship at night which appeared Brilliant at sea. Jan 9th cloudy & cold. smooth sea & fair breeze. We are about enter- ing the St George’s channel. !!! Ho !!! Ho the cry of land land is herd from mast head. We went on to the forecastle & after straining our eyes for a few moments we got sight of it. It was the Irish Coast lying 3 points to our lee bow. this is the first land we have seen for 20 days. At 8 oclock PM the revolving lamp at the lighthouse a cape clear came in full view. 10th The mountains of the Irish coast, & also 6 or 7 sail is in ful view weather cloudy, & rather cold. We walked the deck untill 9 oclock viewing the light houses &c. 11th We had a heavy gale commenced at one oclok in the morning. We were in danger having the Irish coast on one side ^the^ coast &^of^ wales on the other. their was a great bustle & noise on board from the captain, Mates, sailors, winds & waves &c. We reached the pilote ground at daylight & raised colours for a pilot... a pilot Boat soon appea[r]ed & came along side & sent a pilot on board of us, who arived in the midst of the gale. The pilot informed the captain that the steam ship Liverpool had not yet arived & she left New York 5 days befor[e] we did. & that the packet ship Independance had not reached Liverpool & she left New York 10 days before us. This intelligence created a great shout of rejoicings on board the ship, for it was the first time that they had known a steam ship, beaten by a packet ship. but the intelligence was no sooner commun[ic]ated before the steam ship Liverpool was in sight behind us & was gaining upon us. The pilot ordered the sails to be unreefed notwithstanding it was blowing or gale & we were soon out of sight of the Liverpool again. We had not sailed but a short time with this speed before the town of Liverpool in England was in sight & an English steam Boat soon came & took us in tow & soon brought us along side of the quay in Liverpool upon which stood thousands of human beings looking to see us land. the steam ship Liverpool came up just as we landed & fired two salutes of cannon at us as she past by. & Also the packet ship Independance came in in a few minutes after. It was truly a singular circumstance that the Oxford, steam ship Liverpool, & Independance should all reach the quay at Liverpool within 20 minutes of each other, when one left N.Y. 5 days & the other 10 before the Oxford but so it was… Thus you see after 22 days sail we arived safe in Liverpool in good health & spirits & for the first time I began to tread the soil in Old England. We took a walk into the streets of Liverpool. & visited some of the most Noted places of the Town, such as New Market, Custom House, Lord Nelsons Monument, &c. all of which were splendid. The Market contained a vast variety of evry kind of meats, fish, fowls, & vegitables that I ever saw The Custom House was built of hewn stone in the form of an H and covered four acres of grouned. Lord Nelson’s Monument is all of Brass about 14 feet high & 3 rods around it their is 4 large personages as large as life with a chain around their necks ^hands^ with one end of it in the mouth of a Lion, these are 4 Kings that Lord Nelson subdued in his day. Lord Nelson stands above those 4 Kings holding 4 crowns [FIGURE 4] [FIGURE 4] [FIGURE 4] [FIGURE 4] in his hand, & death stands by his side partly covered with a shroud with one hand upon his Body. these are some of the prominent features of Lord Nelsons monument though there are others of miner consequence. He was killed in batle while commanding his fleet, his monument is much Noted in England. Their is not as much taste in general in pollishing, painting, & garnishing the out side of the buil- -ldings in the cities & towns in England as in America, but they build more for duribility, their buildings are far more expensive than in America, for they are composed of vast masses of huge stone or brick, though some of their buildings are far more spe^l^ended than those of America. Their is one thing vary disagreeable throughout England, the whole hemisphere or air is filled with smoke, smut, & gases, that rise from the dens population & burning of coal &c., the air is vary heavy & bad for the lungs, but the weather is not cold as in America, it is quite mild weather notwithstanding England is in 51 to 55 degrees North Lat I have not seen a flake of snow since I left New York is^t^ is 3,500 miles from New York to Liverpool. Jan 12 Sunday I attended meeting at St Pauls Church, St Thomases Church which is the church of England I thought it vary singular to hear the Rector's, & Curit’s preach against a form of Godliness without the power theirof & professing religion without having the fruits of it. while perhaps their is no people more formal than themselves. In the evening I attended meeting at Pitt street methodist chapel, the speaker appeared quite easy & simple in his manners. All of the above named churches were

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

left for Birmingham on the , I remained in the potteries some 40 forty days preching

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

The time passed on to the when Elder Turley started for Birmingham. In the interval we had preached almost daily visited the Saints &c.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

der Turley left for Birmingham on the . I remained in the Potteries some forty days, preaching, baptizing and confirming, and bless- ing children.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

on the . I remained in the Potteries some forty days, preaching daily, baptizing, confirming and blessing children.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership is 16,800; population of the 26 United States is 17,100,000.

Jan 29, 1840