Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1841

Journal Entry

January 28, 1841 ~ Thursday

28th A folded letter/box I received 2 letters one from Br James
& one From Elder Wm Players Brother
Players letter also contained a long interesting
letter from Sister Vilate Kimball to Brother Kimball
it was truly interesting & contained much information
that was gratifying to our feelings She informed us
that 109 of the English Brethren arived in Nauvoo the
last of Nov led by Elder Turley & the rest stoped in kirtland
She informed me that all the things which I
sent to Phebe had arived safe & were in her hands &
she would take good care of them untill we come
she informed us of the interesting meeting she had
with the English sisters, many of which were visiting
her. Sister Elizabeth Ravenscroft is making her
home with Sister Kimball, & is much pleases, cont-
ented & satisfyed with her situation. She also
speaks of the late Death of Her Father, & many other
things. I had just finished a short letter to Sister Kimb
all, about the things I had sent to Phebe & I wrot
A hand pointing to the right 2 pages to Sister Kimball & one page to to Elder
Turley A hand pointing to the right I also wrote a letter to Elder Levi
, & preached in the evening & I Baptized
3 persons & we confirmed them had a good time


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Bateman, Elizabeth Ravenscroft
18 May 1819 - 10 Jun 1901
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions
Barnes, James
10 Feb 1815 - 28 Apr 1890
22 mentions
Apostle, 1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Richards, Levi
14 Apr 1799 - 18 Jun 1876
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Turley, Theodore
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871
Kimball, Vilate Murray
1 Jun 1806 - 22 Oct 1867


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Letter to Levi Richards, 28 January 1841
London, Elder Levi Richards. Beloved Brother and fellow laborer in the vine- yard of the Lord. It is with pleasure that I appropriate a few momen- ts in conversing with you with my pen. I have just received a letter from Brother Edward Oakey who makes mention of your wishing a few lin- es from me. I feel to cheerfully comply with your request; in fine I esteem it a favor to correspond with my old friends and acquiantences; and as I think of you it brings to mind scenes and days that are past and gone some of which we spent in the town of Kirtland. It is true our acquaintence has been somewhat limited; but this is no reason why we should not become better acquianted. I ^have^ spent many a goodly season with Brother W. Richards since I have been in England; but more especially in ^that^ part of the vineyard where you now are; and I never have enjoyed greater blessings in any part of my labors in the vineyard of the Lord than in Herefordshire and surround- ing country. And as your lot is now cast for a season in the same tra- ct, I pray and trust that health, peace and all blessings of God may rest upon you; that you may find friends that will administer unto yo- ur necessities in every time of need. The Lord has truly done a marve- llous work in that region of country during the past summer and thr- oughout the land whereby our hearts have been made glad. And I fully realize it hath been by the power of God and not of man. I much desire to once more visit the Saints in Herefordshire and th- roughout th^at^ region which I expect to do in the month of March, if


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Jan 28, 1841