Day in the Life

Mar 23, 1845

Journal Entry

March 23, 1845 ~ Sunday

Edinborough Conference

Met in Edinborough on Sunday 223rd March AD 1845

Their being present one of the Twelve &
3 High Priest, 8 Elders, 16 Priest & 4 Teachers
R Hedlock was chosen President
Priest Braley Clerk

Conference opened by singing & Prayer
After which there were eleven branches
represented in the Edinborough Conference
containing 409 members 13 Elders, 22 Priest
8 Teachers 1 Deacons & 9 Baptized

The morning was taken up in teaching principle
Met in the afternoon Partook of the sacrament
After which Elder Banks was appointed
the Presiding Elder over the Edinborough
branch & conference Br H McEwen over
two or three branches under Brother Banks.
W. Woodruff preached in the evening
to an attentive congregation. I spent
the night at No. 2 High Rigs


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McEwan, Henry
13 Feb 1802 - 21 Sep 1882
Banks, John
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday Present: One of the Twelve Apostles 3 High Priests 8 Elders 16 Priests and four Teachers. R. Hedlock was chosen President and Priest Braley clerk. Conference having been opened with singing and prayer eleven Branches were represented as the Edinborough conference containing 409 members 13 Elders 22 Priests 8 Teachers 1 Deacon and 9 baptized ^since the last Conference^ The morning was taken up in teaching principle in the afternoon the Church partook of the Sacrament after which Elder John Banks was appointed President of the Edinborough Conference and also the Edinborough Branch and Henry McEwen presiding Elder over two or three Branches under Elder John Banks. In the evening I preached


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

Mar 23, 1845