7th ^[FIGURE]^ Sunday we killed A calf this morning
the last one we had we waited this morning
for Br Sanders to come up He came about
10 oclok At 1 oclock we continued our journey
And about sun down we came to the
long swail one mile & a half across it the
worst peace of road on the whole jour-
ney my carriage & family went through
it I got my waggons half through by
dark I attempted to go through & the
wheels of my waggon cut to the hub in
turphf & mud & with 8 yoke of cattle I
could not get through two of my waggons
remained fast in the swamp all night
cousin Betsey was in one waggon & remained
all night I was in the mud & water to
my knees till 2 oclok at night I was
amung the cattle near all night at
day light I rolled up in a buffaloo robe
& got some sleep
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