Day in the Life

May 30, 1847

Journal Entry

May 30, 1847 ~ Sunday

30th Sunday we set this day apart for prayer & fasting, in
the morning I shaved & washed all over & Anointed my head &
put on clean clothing, read A chapter in the Book of Mormon
& humbled myself before the Lord & poured out my soul in
prayer before the Lord & his spirit desended upon me &
I was blessed. I spent some time in writing my Journal. The
camp had A prayer meeting, in the morning & met Again in
public Meeting. President Young in company with the quorum of
the Twelve & a few others went into the vally of the Hills & according
to the order of the Priesthood prayed in A circle & Porter &
Br Carrington watched to see that no Indians come upon us, we had
A good time, there was A heavy storm Appeared but it mostly went
Around there was but little rain whare we wasere, we returned to
our waggons & took some refreshment having eaten nothing during
the day, soon the son came out plain & plesant. In the evening I
went out 2 miles with the quorum of the Twelve onto A High
Bluff & had a good views of the Black Hills Also Prayers


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Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family


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May 30, 1847 ~ Sunday 30th Sunday we set this day apart for Prayer & fasting, in the morning I shaved & washed all over & anointed my head & put on clean clothing, read a chapter in the Book of Mormon & humbled myself before the Lord & poured out my soul in prayer before the Lord & his spirit desended upon me & I was blessed.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday th We set this Sabbath apart for prayer and fasting In the morning I shaved cleansed my body put on clean clothing & read a chapter in the Book of Mormon humbled myself before the Lord and poured out my soul in prayer before the Lord ^Him^ and His Spirit descended upon me and I was blessed and prepared for the service of the day and then I spent some time in writing in my Journal The camp had a prayer meeting in the morning and met again for public meeting. President Young with the Quorum of the Twelve and a few others went into the valley of the hills and prayed according to the order of the


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May 30, 1847