29th President Young with his brethren the Twelve & others mounted
our horses & started to meet with the Battalion under the command of
Captain Brown, we met with some of them about 4 miles from
camp we were truly glad to meet with them we continued on up
& soon met with Capts Brown, Higgins, Lieut Willis & the train follo-
wing them we exhamined A good grind stone quiry while on the wa[y] [page covered]
up. I soon met with Br Bevin who went from my family into the
Army there was About 140 of the Battalion And a company of
about 100 of the Missippi saints that came with them from Pueb[lo] [page covered]
being about 60 waggons in all 100 Horses & Mules & 300 Head of cattle
which added greatly to our numbers we had A Heavy shower
of rain while we were in the canion which sent down the water
in the creeks from the mountain's with a rush & roar like thunder
resembling the opening of a flood gate the first rush of the water
came down with a front 3 feet High, some of the waggons had to
stop untill it feell which was but a short time the shower spread
over A good share of the valley whare we were setled, we returned
with the company at there head & march into camp with music, they
took upon there quarters between our two camps on the bank of
the creek. While we have been exploring the camp has been busy
in farming puting in potatoes, corn, beans, peas, buckwheat, &
Preparing A garding for garding seeds & will go to work to prepare
a peace for turnips our garding to day was diveided off as each ten
had need, our distance of travel to day was 12 miles
In the evening Br Young with the Twelve walked up to the warm
springs about 1 1/2 miles from the Temple Block we went in & bathed
it was quite as warm as we could endure & be comfortable those
springs are healthy for the sick & diseased
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He informed the Brethren that there going into the Armey proved our temporal salvation at the time for the Governor of Mo had already recieved orders not to let our people pass the Mo river if we did not enlist, the goverment intend to diestroy us from off the face of the earth but through the blessing of God we are here and I thank my Heavenly father for it and He knew we should prevail Zion would arise the Judgments of God would be poured out the Blood of the Prophets would be ave[nged] & their cup would be filled double unto them. And if we were fait[h] ful we should yet have Brs Joseph & Hiram & many of the Sain[ts] in there resurrected bodies with us on earth & when we died
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