26th Monday The camp in general was busily ingaged in plowing &
planting corn & other seeds. ten men including the Twelve were appo
inted to go on an exploring expedition. I took President Young into
my carriage & travled two miles towards the mount^a^in & made choice of
a spot of ground for our garding with a small rivlet runing throug[h] [page covered]
it sufficient to irrigate it which I named guarding creek we then
returned to camp & went North of the camp about 5 miles & we all
went unto the top of A high Peak in the edge of the mountain which we
considerd A good place to raise An ensign upon which we named ensign
Peak or Hill ^I was the first person that Ascended this Hill^ Brother Young was vary weary in climing the Peak He
being feble, we then desended to the flat—started north to visit some
hot sulpher springs but we returned two miles to get A drink of cool
water & then went back 4 miles to the springs we found them vary
warm but not hot, 3 or 4 of the springs ished [issued] green water & formed
substance below that looked like verdigreese After visiting them we
returned to camp quite weary. Brs Mathews & Brown returned to ca[mp] [page covered]
had crossed the valley in the Narrowest place opposite the camp to the
mountain on the west found the valley about 2015 miles across passed
over A river 4 miles from camp about 8 rods wide which we saw fr[om] [page covered]
ensign Peak we also had A good view of the salt lake through our glasses
& many rivers & creek runing through the valley the whole distance of the
day was 20 m
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I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
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