Day in the Life

Jul 7, 1847

Journal Entry

July 07, 1847 ~ Wednesday

7th We crossed hams fork And drove to Fort Bridger & in the regi
on of the fort before we got onto our camping ground we crossed
more than A dozen trout Brooks, the water run swift but clear, hard,
cold, gravelly, bottoms. the brethren cought several brook trout the
first I had seen since I left England the whole region of country
all up & down these streams were coverd with grass knee deep, 10
of the battalion found A Hors thief at the fort who had assisted in
stealing 10 of their Horses they had got all but two, & the man said
they had gone to Oregon. we saw About A dozen traiders lodges about
the fort the fort was merly A small traiding post ore one duilding
not large distance of the day 17 3/4 miles


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Jul 7, 1847