Day in the Life

Sep 24, 1847

Journal Entry

September 24, 1847 ~ Friday

24 We rode to Laramie Br Young Kimball Benson & myself dined
with Mr Burdow we talked with Him about our stolen Horses
He informed us that our company with the ox teams lost every Horse

they had, but they had got every them all back but 5 He gave us some
encouragement of sending an interpeter with us to get our horses. we
crossed the Platt & pitched our camp about 3 miles from the fort
during the evening President Young called the camp together
And addressed them at some length. Appointed 10 men to go & visit the Ind-
to get the stolen Horses & about 40 men to follow after to assist in
case of necessity Br Young gave much instruction upon principle
& improving upon manners, temper, & interest in the general welfare of
the Church & kingdom of God distance of the day 12 m


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
We reached Laramie on the and Brothers Young, Kimball, Benson and myself dined with Mr Burdow and talked to him about our stolen horses. He informed us that our company with the ox teams lost every horse they had but they got them back excepting five. He gave us some encouragement of sending an Interpreter with us. We crossed the Platte and pitched our camp about 3 miles from the Fort and President Young called us together and addressed us at some length and appointed 10 men to go and visit the Indians to get our stolen horses and 25 men to follow after to assist in case of necessity. Next morning at 9 o'clock the first company of 10 men commanded by Col. Markham started on their Indian expedition and an hour afterwards the 2 of 25 men followed leader ^under^ the command of Brother Benson but it was not long before both companies returned having ascertained that a man had gone forward to inform the Indians of our coming and to have them chache up their horses In the evening we received word that Brothers Johnson and Little had returned on the road to us and had fallen in with Commodore Stockton from the Bay of San Francisco with 40 men going to the S[t]ates. Next morning, Sunday, Brothers Johnson and Little reached the Fort with two other brethren bringing us ten horses for which we were indeed glad for we had as much as we could do to get along and our horses were daily growing poor. Brothers Young, Kimball and others dined at the Fort with Commodore Stockton In the afternoon we drove three miles


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Sep 24, 1847