Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1849

Journal Entry

February 02, 1849 ~ Friday

2nd A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote A long letter to Freedom & Shuah Moulton
I Recieved the 24 No o[f] vol X of the Millennial Star of Dec 15th
it was truly an interesting paper it contained interesting letters
from the valley of the Salt Lake the following is an extract from A
letter written by P. P. Pratt in August of 1848 "We are blessed in
gardens, in wheat, in corn And in all things I have set my hands
unto. I have raised some sixty bushels of good wheat without
Irrigations A few bushels of rye & oats, And my corn in the field looks
as well as any corn I ever saw in the states. the wheat crop exceeds
all expectation. Oats do better than in the States—say 60 bushels to
one of sowing on sod ground every kind of vegetable suited to the
northern latitudes does well. Levi Hancock sowed eleven pounds wait
of calafornia wheat on the 14th April And reaped twenty two bushels
the latter part of July. He sowed half a bushel of common English
wheat on An Acre And A half And reaped upwards of twenty bush-
els's one grain of seven eared wheat produced seventy two ears. Barley
that was sown ripened And was reaped And carried off. the land then
was irrigated And produced from the roots A fresh crop four times
the quantity of the first crop. Oats that were sown produced a

good crop And cleared the roots again sprung up And produced
Another beautiful crop. three crops of Peas ripened on the same
spot of ground And the peas of the crop raised used for seed. Beet
seed planted this spring produce beets As thick as A mans leg And
go to seed And yield A large quantity. Cabbage seed planted this spring
produces seed Again." And many other good things were said. Wel
may the Saints praise the Lord And shout Hosannah for He has
led his people through the wilderness deliverd them from his
enemies And given them A gododly land that brings forth in
its strength. Praise Ye the Lord all his Saints for his loving kin-
dness unto us


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Moulton, Freedom
31 Oct 1808 - 31 Jul 1857
40 mentions
Hancock, Levi Ward
7 Apr 1803 - 10 Jun 1882
35 mentions
Zion's Camp
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Moulton, Shuah Coffin Carter
20 Dec 1811 - 19 Jun 1905
89 mentions


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4th Sunday I had A meeting in the fore part of the day with my family [FIGURE] my wife And cheildrin come together once A week. We sing And Pray And I teach them the things of the kingdom of God And I break bread And partake of the sacrament with them. My ownly son living was baptized when he was Eight years old. He is now most nine year of Age He is A good youth And seems to be under the influence of the spirit of the Lord He obeys his Parents in all things I ordained him this day to the office of A Priest to officiate in that office in his Fathers houshold untill He shall Arive At A suitable Age to officiate in the Church. When I Am abroad away from my family Attending to the Affairs of the Church Phebe W. Woodruff my wife & Mother of my children calsls them together And teaches & instructs them to pray And to understand the principles of faith And the gospel And Wilford Woodruff Jr Now ordaind A Priest can bless the bread And wine And Administer it to the family who Are members of the Church from time to time inasmuch As they have not A chance to Attend meeting in Any branch of the church
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I received 24 Nos of the Millennial Star and from a letter written by Parley P. Pratt August 1848 I gathered the following concerning the prosperity of the Valley in the first year of our settlement: "We are blessed in gardens in wheat and corn and in all things I have set my hand unto. I have raised some sixty bushels of good wheat without irrigation a few bushels of rye and oats and my corn in the field looks as well as any corn I ever saw in the States. The wheat crop exceeds all expectation. Oats bdo better than in the States say 60 bushels to one of the sowing in good ground. Every kind of vegitables suited to the Northren latitudes does well Levi Hancock sowed eleven pounds weight of California wheat on the 14th of April and reaped 22 bushels the latter part of July. He sowed half a bushel of common English wheat on an acre and half and reaped upwards of twenty bushels One grain of seven eared wheat produced seventy two ears Barley that was sown ripened and was reaped and carried off. The land then was irrigated and produced from the roots a fresh crop four times the quantity of the first crop Oats that were sown produced a good crop and cleared. The roots again sprung up and produced another beautiful crop Three crops of peas ripened on the same spot of ground and the peas of the crop raised used for seed. Beet sead planted this Spring produce beets as thick as a mans leg and go to


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Feb 2, 1849