Zachary Taylor inaugurated as twelfth President of 30 United States.
7th I spent the day writing
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Brother Haven followed with interesting remarks in explaining the principles of repentance, by A figure. If A Mother set two little children at work, they should leave it & go to play & dirty their clothes And when the Mother came [she] find they had not done the work but been disobediant but promised forgiveness if they wo[uld] go wash their face change their closes [clothes] & do the work one goes & do as she is required the other follows her Mother & crys all day & pleads with her to forgive her. When night comes one has cryed all day for fiorgiveness, but has not done the thing required the other has done the things required, which is most justifyed the one that obeyed the Mother. So with Man it is not evry one [who] says Lord, Lord, that shall enter into my Kingdom but He that doeth the will of my father who is in Heaven.
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