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Day in the Life

Mar 18, 1849

Journal Entry

March 18, 1849 ~ Sunday

178 Sunday I met with a large congregation of the inhabitants
of the cape, Saints, captains, Sailors, fisherman, Christians & infidels
I preached to the people in the forenoon, afternoon, & Evening. I
dismissed the congregation at 9 oclok then held A chuch
meeting untill midnight I organized the church with 21 mem-
bers Appointed Nathanial Eldridge as presiding Elder And
Horace Humphry & Thomas F Eldridge his councellors. I baptized
& confirmed one. I dAdministered unto 2 that were sick I
retired to rest at 1 oclock Having held 4 meetings through the day
And night I found the Body of the Church badly broaken to peaces
through the wicked conduct of A Mr Russell. this is the first
time I have ever visited the cape


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Eldridge, Thomas F. Eldredge
23 Mar 1813 - 29 Aug 1891
5 mentions


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
On the I parted with the Saints at Cape Cod and returned home where I found my father-in-law Ezra Carter sen. It was the first time he had ever had an opportunity of visiting us My Father-in-Law Baptized


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Mar 18, 1849