Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1849

Journal Entry

March 19, 1849 ~ Monday

19th I parted with the Saints And took the stage At West Harwich
And rode 20 miles then took rail road & went to Boston. my compa
ny in the stage & mostly in the cars was sailors Mates, & captains on
their way to Boston & New York to take ships & go to sea 65

mostly to Calafornia one captain was vary sorrowful in conseq[u] [page torn]
ence of having to leave his family so long was about on the
point of Giving it up & going home the last I saw of him
Cape Cod is A plesant place for A summer residence they ha[ve] [page torn]
A sea breeze from evry point of compass, plenty of fishing on
evry hand the soil most altogether sand, upland pitch & wh[ite]
pine low land ceder. what crops are raised is mostly done
by dressing the land with fish. distance of the day 75 m[iles]
On my returned home I found My Lather in Law Ezra Carter
At my house it was the first time He had ever had a
opportunity of paying us A visit. Calvin Foss was also still there.


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Foss, Calvin Ichabod
10 Jan 1826 - 21 May 1908
36 mentions
Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions


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March 22, 1849 ~ Thursday 22nd [FIGURE] There are certain days of my life which contain events of marked interest to me and my posterity an account of which I record in my Journals, these events are in fulfillment of ancient or modern prophecy & revelation from God this day was one of them. When Joseph Smith sen The first Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints laid his hands upon my head to give me my Patriarchal blessings he said I should have my Father & Houshold standing with me in the covenant of the Gospel and that I should have power to bring them into the kingdom I afterwards visited my Fathers Household preached the Gospel to them and baptized my father, step Mother, sister & every member of his household & several other relatives. Also Phebe W. Woodruff, who[se] Maiden name was Phebe W. Carter before her Marriage also recieved a promise that she should have her Father & Household with her in the New & Everlasting Covenant. Her Mother was baptized before her death two of her sisters have been baptized Her brothers are now vary friendly. And this day I walked thro- ugh the City of Boston ^with^ my wife's Father which is my Father in Law Ezra Carter sen & Calvin Foss his Grand son we went through the ship Areatus in which Calvin Foss is going to Calafornia we visited the common and many parts of Boston we then returned home and had a meeting iat my own hired house I opened by praye[r]s Br J C Little addressed the meeting and Wm Page spoke a few moments I then arose and addressed my friends for an hour in great plain ness and expressed my feelings to them in Great plainness. At the Close of the Meeting I led my father in Law Ezra Carter sen with two others down into the sea and baptized them, Mrs Woodruff accompanied her Father to the water and back again we both felt to rejoice that the words of the old Patriarch was fulfilling upon our heads
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Mar 19, 1849