Day in the Life

Apr 23, 1849

Journal Entry

April 23, 1849 ~ Monday

23rd I took cars rode to New York herd that T. D. Brown from
Liverpool had Arived in New York had waited A week to see me was
now about to leave for the west I went down immeditately to see
him found him at the Hotel opposite Jersey City ferry. our
meeting was one of Rejoicing we spent about 3 hours together
He had 9 in family wife children relatives &c He paid the
fare of About 40 families to Zion who went with Capt Jones &
Spences He sent up also about $10000 dollars worth of goods to
the valley. He was known as A Latter Day Saint on the steem
ship & exherted a good influence so much so that the first
officers of the steemer with the Mates, clerk, peurser &c came to
see him leave the city for the west. I was introduced to them. I
took tea with him & family. He put £1 A sovereign into my hands at the
table. may the Lord bless him fourfold I pray. 15 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Jones, Dan
4 Aug 1810 - 3 Jan 1862
Spencer, Orson
14 Mar 1802 - 15 Oct 1855
Brown, Thomas Dunlop
16 Dec 1807 - 20 Mar 1874


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I took the rail to New York City, New York County, New York where I heard that T. D. Brown from Liverpool had waited a week to see me. I found him at the hotel opposite Jersey city ferry and spent several hours with him. He had paid the fare of many families to Zion who went with Captain Dan Jones and Orson Spencer and had sent on about 10,000 dollars worth of goods to the Valley. He was known on the steamship as a Latter-day Saint and the first officers of the steamer with the mates clerk purser &c came to see him leave the city for the West During the following week I travelled daily from place to place ranging a distance up from 35 to 75 miles each day met with the Churches and cut off 4 from the Church for committing adultery.


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Apr 23, 1849