Day in the Life

Mar 26, 1850

Journal Entry

March 26, 1850 ~ Tuesday

26th A humanoid A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 letters to E. Carter J Shaw & J. M. Bernhisel
I received 3 letters from J. Gibson Maryweather & Haines
I visited the court room to day & had a view of the court
Asembly, council, Jury, & criminal Professor Webster.
The criminal seemed nerveous, & excited sumthing was said
About some keys the criminal took a Book out of his hat
wrote a few words tore it out of the Book & sent it to
his council, was the ownly thing I saw him do except
sit & listen with Attention ownly He would move his finger
in a rapid manner at if excated [excited]. Elder Snow spent the
night with me we conversed together untill near midnight


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Carter, Ezra (Jr.)
29 Apr 1804 - 11 May 1887
176 mentions
4 mentions
Gibson, Jacob
1 Jan 1814 - 1 May 1882
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881


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Elder E. Snow Addressed the meeting in an inter- esting manner gave an account of the dealings of the Lord with them in the valley the faith of the saints was tried to the utmost in the valley by the cricket war & other things they had to encounter but the Lord had deliverd them out of all their troubles.
~ Erastus Snow

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Letter to John Milton Bernhisel, 26 March 1850
Cambridgepot Mass Mach 26th 1850 Brother Bernhisel Dear Sir I receved your interesting Letter of the 22nd intat and nothing but a croud of businss has prevented me from you upon the subjet of which you speak even befoe I receved yours. I was privileged with the company of professor O. pratt Erastus Snow & J B. Wallace on the Sabbath & I convrsed freely with those Brethn upon the Subject & I find but one spirit & opinion prevailing amog us & that is, it is far better to withdraw the petition for the present untill you can consult your constituents than to receive a Territorial Gove[rnmen]t with Military polititions sent unto our midst to tyronize oer us who has no interest in our welfare it is my firm conviction that the Citizens of Deserett will sustain you in withdrawing your petition for the time being rather ^than^ to receive a Terratorial Gov[ernmen]t with the spirit of restrictions that the present Congress manifest in disposition to lay upon us. Yes Brothe Bernhisel watch well the signs of the times in this matter do not let a net be flung oer the people of Deserett to their inquiry they should have the rights of Citizenship as well as other people. The president has recomeded in his speach a thought that the people of the Basin


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Mar 26, 1850