Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1850

Journal Entry

March 27, 1850 ~ Wednesday

27 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received the Frontier Guardian Also speech of
Wm H Seward on the Admission of Calafornia, And one letter
from Ezra Carter Jr. Br Wm A. King & sister Aldrich called
upon us to day I wrote A letter to F Merryweather I
called into the court house & saw Professor Webster who
is now on trial for ^the^ murder of Dr Parkman. His Lawyier
was making his first plea the prisioner looked melancho
ly it is thought He has not much chance at esscape it was
one of the most solumn assemblies for a court I ever
sa[w] [page torn]


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Carter, Ezra (Jr.)
29 Apr 1804 - 11 May 1887
176 mentions
Pliny Merrick
abt. 1795- 1867
Seward, William Henry
16 May 1801 - 10 Oct 1872
9 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman


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Elder E. Snow Addressed the meeting in an inter- esting manner gave an account of the dealings of the Lord with them in the valley the faith of the saints was tried to the utmost in the valley by the cricket war & other things they had to encounter but the Lord had deliverd them out of all their troubles.
~ Erastus Snow

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Letter from Mary Walker, 27 March 1850
Greenfield Dear Brother We received your letter Last evening and acording to my husband's request I sit down to inclose the forty Dollers and it is With pleasure I do this Bro Walker thinks he could like to see you all in [york] before you igo iand If possable well try to do so but it is unserten theirfore we thought it would be best to send acording to your request and I feel thankful in being able to do so my love to Sistor Woo Woodruff Believe me an Affectionate Sistor in the yE Covenant Mary Walker


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Mar 27, 1850