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Day in the Life

May 12, 1850

Journal Entry

May 12, 1850 ~ Sunday

12th Sunday We started from St Josephs at day light I was informed
that 25000 gold seekers crossed at St Josephs & gone onto the
plains we see them on both sides of the river to day in the
woods & on the prairie preparing to start out it is A plesant
day I sat on deck & looked at the travelling caravans through
my glass we run onto A sand Bank in the evening, & it took a
hards night work to get off.


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
and early on the morning of the word was given for the passengers to walk on shore to lighten the boat and some of our company with mules left for the Bluffs and when we got ready they could not be found It was supposed they had fainted by the way and our Captain and others rode miles in search of them but came back without finding them and then we started up the river with our boat and came upon them about 5 miles a-head We arrived at Fort Kearney on the


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May 12, 1850