Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1851

Journal Entry

April 30, 1851 ~ Wednesday

30th We met for athe purpose of organizing A High Council
there were twelve men chosen & were ordained to be High
& 4 were ordained to be High Priest under the
Hands of E T Benson & W. Woodruff the meeting was
then addressed By John & Lorenzo Young. In the Afternoon
W Woodruff E. T. Benson & J. M. Grant Addressed the Meeting
the People met in the Evening & Had a time of recreation


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
330 mentions
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions


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President Young while speaking of the Resurrection said that we should receive the same bodies that we lay down if our dust was blown to the four winds of Heaven
~ Brigham Young
B Young addressed the meeting in an interesting manner said his faith was that the Earth would not have produced for the Gentiles as it has for us & if we had faith & power with God to have the curse taken off instead of the sage brush & other useless shrubs we should have the apple pear peach grape & evry good fruit but if this people do not take a different course from what they do in some things their blessings will prove a curse & wo will be unto them
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1851-04-30
W Woodruff {I ever} feel {it a} priv[ilege] {to} occupy {a} portion {of time} yet {I} esteem {it a} favor {to} sit {sit here over my} friends {and the} S[ain]ts {shorthand} val[lies] {of the mountains there is} noth[ing] {we} can {be} engaged {of as much} importance {as the} plan {of} sal[vatio]n {the} prin[ciples] {of} J[esus]. C[hrist] {the} prin[ciples] {of} et[erna]l truth {I have} rejoiced {to see and hear and} feel {what I have} felt {and feel the} Sp[irit] {of God} sustain {me I} observe {a} progress {and} growth {in the} K[nowledge] {of God} altho {there is} much room {for us to} improve. {The} words {of} Joseph {have to have a} fulfil[lmen]t. {and the} work {is a} greater one {than} any {[ever] on the} Earth {and we have to} perform {it by our hands and that is the} only {way to} be {be in} readiness. {we have} already seen {the} effects {of} 2 yrs improvement {from the time we} came {in [is/his]} illegible. {There is a} bless{ing there I [illegible shorthand]} {the} place {and was} astonished altho' {I} [k]new {their} labors {these} vallies {will be} filled {with men and} animals {and} towns {and} cities Zion {has to be} {a} habitation {of} peace {and this people will be} willing {as a} body {to} carry {the} prin[ciples] {of God there} must {be a} place prep[are]d {for the} com{ing of} {the} Messiah {and I} bel[ieve] {this people will do the} work {they will be} prep[are]d {the hand of God has been with us in} bring{ing us to this place. I would} ra[the]r {we} {were in} poverty {all the day} long ra[the]r {than have} riches {and they} dam[n] {us are we not} old enough {to walk in the} path {of} duty. {We ought to} remember {remember our} tith{ing and our} offer{ings there is not a man} but {what has as much to do as he} possibly can {do.}
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
We met this day for the purpose of organizing a High Council. There were twelve men chosen and ordained to be High Councillors and 4 were ordained to be High Priests under the hands of E. T. Benson and W. Woodruff. The meeting was then addressed by John and Lorenzo Young and in the afternoon by W. Woodruff E. T. Benson and J. M Grant.


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Apr 30, 1851