Day in the Life

May 1, 1851

Journal Entry

May 01, 1851 ~ Thursday

May 1st We left Sanpete in the Afternoon & travled
6 miles & camped on south creek


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President Young while speaking of the Resurrection said that we should receive the same bodies that we lay down if our dust was blown to the four winds of Heaven
~ Brigham Young
B Young addressed the meeting in an interesting manner said his faith was that the Earth would not have produced for the Gentiles as it has for us & if we had faith & power with God to have the curse taken off instead of the sage brush & other useless shrubs we should have the apple pear peach grape & evry good fruit but if this people do not take a different course from what they do in some things their blessings will prove a curse & wo will be unto them
~ Brigham Young

Related Documents

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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow, Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes, and Emma Smith Woodruff, 1 May 1852
Greate Salt Lake Dear Willford Haveing an opportunity to send you a line by the mail I thought you might like to hear from the corner lot opposite the tabernacle as you have been some acquainted there. The eastern Mail came in yesterday also the Sanpete mail I went to the office and found 3 letters 1 droped 1 from Eng. & 1 from Ilus saying that your last letter had been received they were all well and that he had concluded to come to Utah intended leave- ing Independence the first of May with the mail or some small company comeing direct through after haveing visited Kanesvill and learned how br. Hyde prospered with those goods in his care he will take no goods through this season our friends are all well in the east. Brother Smoot was in St. Louis the first of April having been sent from Eng. with between 5 & 6000 dolls. of the emi grating funds and 200 of the poor with him also 5 hun. of other Eng. emigrants comeing through this season, it is rumored that 9000 emigrant will be in here this season the more particulars of which you will probably learn from other letters as there is a speci- al mail to be sent to you as a company. Things are much as they were when you left. We have helped father what we could about plant ing what we could but the weather has been so cold and stormy that it has not been suitable to plant much of the time since you left, we have finished the lot at the store and the most of the 2 lots at home but done nothing on the lot in the big field. The pig has not even come yet nor any of paid any money I cannot find those [sideways text] Please accept my love Willford P. [end of sideways text]
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Next day we left Sanpete in the afternoon travelled 6 miles and camped on
Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855


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May 1, 1851