Sunday 8th I attended meeting at the Council House. President
Young Preached his sermon is recorded on another page
Sunday Feb 8 President Young Addressed the assembly
and said I trust in the Lord for light as I have
heretofore done when the minds of men are open
to understand they will see things as they are. we are
subject to all the evils which are in the world. I have
thought this world was as fallen as any of the creations
of God. when the Lord created the Earth or any world
if they have an exaltation they will have to experinc
all that we experiance I see no reason why they
should not be tempted as we are tempted. If we
are candidates to exhaltation & glory & that we cann
ot get that exaltations & glory in no other way then
we should be reconciled to it & be satisfyed to let the Lord
do with us as He pleases is their any evil upon any pe
person or affliction upon any Nation or kingdom
that God does not permit their is not we should
then be faithful to God in all things to be his
secret counsellor if necessary why should we com-
plain or find fault with God about any thing we
should not. Se the example of the Nations of the
Earth they complain about evry thing and against all
his providences their is no proceding of ours or act or ex
periance but what He knows all about. If it would
be any satisfaction to you I would say that God has
passed through all the trials & experience that we have
Jesus cChrist has passed through all the trials & experince
the same as we have it would not be prudent for
me to say that the Father has not the same experience
that his Son had. He had quite as much as his Son
had. let the Saints look about themselves & se if
they hadve as great things as they expected when
they first received the gospel & the Holy Ghost opened
their minds they saw that Zion was to [be] built up &
Israel gatherd the power of God & the Holy Ghost to be
poured out upon us. If we could get a place by ourselves
how faithful we would live & thank God. Do you have
the same things you looked for well I dont know you say this
shows that somebody has let down their watch & inf-
luenced others & they have not lived up to their privileges
when we first received the gospel we were humble
but since the tempteor has come & we are tempted with
many things But this is right the Lord permits it
we could not get glory without it let me ask if any
one is here who went to Jackson County in a1831
The feeling was If I could get with the Saints all
my sorrow & trouble would be at an end so it is
with the Saints in England. Before we preached
the gathering to them the lord Revealed to them that
they would be gathered we told them not to reveal
it untill the time came do you have any thing now
that you looked for in the Begining if not sumthing is
the matter you dont do right you dont settle this
difficulty or that But what is the matter you are wrong
yourself what henders you from praying all day &
fasting and prayer you have enough to eat but the
great difficulty is when they moved to Zion they
brought themselves with them you had so many devels
in you that they trouble you. when the devel & wicked
men have afflicted & persecuted us as far as is for our
good then the Lord says stop & go no further they are held
up But if we take evry thing patiently all our afflictions
will work together for our good. But do you at the present
time have any thing to mar your peace except what you
bring upon yourselves you have privileges here but do
the people prize their privileges why do the people go to
the kanyons after wood on Sunday why have they gone
today why dont I do it why do I not visit my farm
the Bath House on Sunday Because it is not right & sets
a Bad example I cannot do these things on the
Sabbath. Some will take poles of[f] from ahis Neighbors farm
take a chain or an ax without liberty this is wrong
their is nothing on Earth to mar our peace but owur
own acts But the great difficulty is they cannot get
away from themselves. they think perhaps if they
go to the gold digings they can get away from themselves
but they cannot. When persecution & trials come
they search the good seed and it dries up. How are you
going to get Zion nothing Henders our having Zions
But ourselves we have all the privileges of Angels to
worship God & get all Blessings we need. we mean
to war with all Devils temptations & trials untill we
overcome I will fight untill I overcome if I fall
in the grave their is others who will take my place
their are many who will fight & if it needs be we
will take the sword I hope all who want good principles
will have the privilege of receiveing them to day is a day of
tithing & sacrafice tomorrow cometh the Burning I would say
that you cannot be perfect without me nor I without you
the providences of God has so interwoven & identifyed
the interest of the children of Adam together that they
cannot be perfect without each other do you enjoy your-
selves & have peace. I have peace & no man can take it frm
me if you do not have peace it is because you drive stakes
& the Lord will not let you do it But let the will of God
be done if you dont enjoy Zion it is Because you dont say
let the will of God be done their is nothing to take your
Zion away but yourselves we are to be tryed & tempted
in evry way in order to prove ourselves the friend of God
in all things & god will Bless you my prayer is that God
will bless this people & that they may be faithful and
a friend to God. I told the Legislature that I would be proud
to have the world know that I told the assemble to fast
& pray untill they get the spirit of God to do their duty
I would like to see the Judges upon the Bench to ask God to
Bless them And all the Jury & witnesses to assist them
in all ther testimony & decissions
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the Lord will govern the helm of the States & Nations for the final good of the world & to his honor & glory & for the benefit of the Saints
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