Day in the Life

Apr 10, 1852

Journal Entry

April 10, 1852 ~ Saturday

A crown Saturday morning meeting opened at 10 oclok House filled
A single key with teeth to the left Prayer By W. Woodruff President Kimball called for
Professor A. Carrington But made the following remark
you have learned enough to know know that the spirit of
will be grieved at any folly manifest in the House
of God
Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heirs
of salvation [Hebrews 1:14] but when you do wrong the Angels of the
Lord will leave And the Angels of the devil will take there
place & keep their company then you are on dangerous
ground & if you will not hear the prophets that God sends
unto you you would not hear the Angels of God Some
have said that I was vary presumptuous to say this
Brothor Brigham was my God & Savoiour Brothe Joseph
was his God the one that gave Joseph the keys of the
was his God wiwhich was peter Jesus Christ
was his God & the God & Fathe of Jesus Christ was
Adam. The Lord wants us to have wisdom to circumscribe
the Earth do you not suppose that God has pleasure in
seeing this people who are the weak things of the Earth to confound
the wise Noble & great some will tell the gentiles all that
transpires among us

Brothe Joseph Young followed with
a few remarks

A single key with teeth to the left A Carrington was then called to the stand who
A single key with teeth to the left arose & said I rejoice with you my Brethren in the
Blessings you enjoy yes I rejoice with you. Brother Kim-
ball sayes that what I say will be right. All science
that is in the world that is not consistant with reason &
demonstration is false. But all that is truth is good no matter
who has it. with regard to e\Education we are all interested
in it yet we have different views of it. Their is three
things that are hard to speak upon 1st is a dinner
speech 2nd is a Temperance speech 3rd is a speech
on Education I despise that vain phylosophy that
puffeth up. I do not know of any truth that does
not belong to salvation that is of worth evry thing that
is knowledge pertains to salvation we have come unto
the work and have to save ourselves our children & our
progenitors I dont know of any thing that we can do
to lay a foundation for this better than to disipline
the mind & Body & bring them both in subjection to
the mind & will of God the ownly way we can do right
is to keep the commandments of God. One of the commands
of God require us to multiply & replenish the Earth [Genesis 1:28] when a
young man gets married to a good young woman & the
Hunny moon is over and a foundation laid for posterity
then the man begins to scold his wife the wife gets the
same spirit & this goes to the child this is an evil & foll[ows]
the child through life. The Blood nurses the embrio &
as the child grows the evil increases with the child
the Hunny moon should last always & the Husband should
gratify the wife in all things that she righeously wishes as
far as He can & the mother should possess a spirit of contentm[ent]
& peace at least untill the child leaves the Breast then you

will see a Noble Tabernacle for a Noble spirit to dwell
in the spirits in Eternity have their times & seasons
would not a Noble spirit rather take a Noble Tabernacle
than a poor one when many children are born they
cannot suck the breast because of the corruption of
their parents this is probably the fault of the Doctors
for not teaching the female as they ought to be taught
& when the child is Born the practice has been to give
it a Brandy tody or chamber lie. while the breast is the
place for the child let the child have the milk & let let
such foolery alone dont play with the tabernacles of your
children or treat them foolishly But treat them in
wisdom you dont see any body giving a Brandy Tody or
chamber lye & they do well to follow the course of nature
The gentile Droctors cannot cure deseases they do not know
How I will prove it to you the old school give medicine by the
shovel full. The New school will not give asa pill as large
as the smallest Bird shot. is their any equality in this I say
down with the whole system I have no use for them next
comes the Hdrapath the water cures well even water is
not to be trifled with look at the foolery & the difference
of the doctors it is much better to follow out the natural law
in all things than to trust to them who would ever think of
giving such a dose to a calf as they would give a child
Their is no such children as the Latter day Saints
If we cannot do what we want to our children may
if we cannot get Back to the primeval platform
becaus of the primeval platfor iniquity of our Fathers
still it is our duty to teach them principle & truth when
children begin to talk dont teach them baby talk for
what you learn the chid in that state has to be unl-
earned then be careful what you say or do before
your children for you would be asstonished at the atte-
ntion children pay to what you say. Be sure to take time
to teach your children & not neglect it many other
interesting remarks were made by Brother Carrington on
the occasion

Brother G A. Smith followed with interesting

President B Young next followed & said I want to bear
testimony to what Brother Carrington has said He
has spoken the truth I thank him for what He has
said what He has said is true and if we follow the testi
we will return to the power of our first parents
his is the way for the Nations of the Earth to return
to God. The Lamanites will be a white & delightsom
people through this procedure or principle the Nation
of the Earth cannot return to God upon any other
principle this kind of teaching is what pleases me the
Doctors are ignorant & they teach others to be ignorant
we should understand our organization but the people
of this day have lost all good scense they are a set of

fools because they have been taught to be fools now
have some sens & believe what Brother Carrington
has said I now these things are virtueous principles the
world are corrupt you have got to be pure in heart
or you cannot abide the day that is coming

at 2 oclok P. M D H Wells Addressed the Saints &
bore testimony to the work of God

Brother Wm I Appleby made some remarks conce[rn]ing
parents & children

Brother G. D. Watt next spoke. He said He was the
first Baptized in England

Wm Clayton next spoke & expressed his feelings

Brother Kimball next spoke for a short time &
meeting was adjourned till Sunday morning


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1437 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
Appleby, William Ivins
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation but when you do wrong the Angels of the Lord will leave and the Angels of the devil will take there place & keep their company then you are on dangerous ground & if you will not hear the prophets that God sends unto you you would not hear the Angels of God
~ Heber C. Kimball
the Hunny moon should last always & the Husband should gratify the wife in all things that she righteously wishes as far as he can
~ Albert Carrington


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apr 10, 1852