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Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1853

Journal Entry

February 27, 1853 ~ Sunday

[FIGURE] 27th Sunday I attended meeting President Brigham Yg
preached & he presented some of the most interesting &
deepest principles ever presented to man on the earth
I had not paper & did not write them the following are
some of the items given in speaking of the privileges of this peop[le]
He said the people should first perform evry known duty
& not neglect them to enjoy any pleasure in speaking of
danceing he said when the saints were taken up with the
spirit of the fiddle & dancing & had not the spirit of God
they were wrong & in the wrong road a man should
never go to a dan[c]e to the neglect of other Duties neith
should he unless he could have the spirit of God as well
as in a prayer meeting. He said some Elders would
threaten to curse their wives if they did not obey him
because he had the priesthood He said the curses of such men
wer of no force & the women need have no fears of it
He said again some men had a desire to stick to the
work because it made them kings & priest so they could
sway a great septer & rule with a rod of Iron & damn men
here & curse them there &sc and had not in view the
principles of Justice Jud[g]ment mercy truth &c but they cou[l]d
not arise upon such principle even God himself should
He act upon this principle He would scease to be God for
the principls that sustain him & his Throne would
forsake him & he would scease to be God for light &
truth & evry other good principle cleaves unto itself


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

do right in all things & you will have all the Heaven & Zion that you can enjoy in this world
~ Brigham Young
He said again some men had a desire to stick to the work because it made them kings & priest so they could sway a great septer & rule with a rod of Iron & damn men here & curse them there &sc and had not in view the principles of Justice Jud[g]ment mercy truth &c but they cou[l]d not arise upon such principle even God himself should He act upon this principle He would scease to be God for the principls that sustain him & his Throne would forsake him & he would scease to be God for light & truth & evry other good principle cleaves unto itself
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1853-02-27
W Woodruff [Prests] {has} given me {a} preach{ing} mission {on the} temple block {we have} many noble principles given {to} us {to} da[y] {we} r [are] now dig{ing} out {the} foundat[io]n {and} get every thing so that {we} can la[y] {the} foundat[io]n {on the} 6 April {I} want {to} bring teams so {as to} keep {the} men at work {there is} music enough {in their} spades like drum sticks when {you} r at work {there you} r working {for} yourselves {you} want {a} place {for} your blessings {for} cannot rece[ive] your blessings any {where} else {the} bre[thre]n {have been} very busy {for the} past few days


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves third term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Feb 27, 1853