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Day in the Life

Mar 20, 1853

Journal Entry

March 20, 1853 ~ Sunday

20th In company with Brother Maugn [Maughan] I rode to Brother
Bates from thence to the new city near Bensons mill
& held a meeting with the people & they all agreed to build
in a fort I spent the night with brother Mechum [Mecham] 15

20th Sunday I attended meeting P P. Pratt Preached
was followed by David Whitmore. Brother Pratt Preached
upon the first principles of the gospel said the Ancient prophets
had a knowledge of the gospel & of Jesus Christ & bore testim
ony of him and the Apostles were called to preach it to
the nations I always was anxious to have the same gospel
esstablished in my day A methodist once asked me if I
did not rejoice to see that denomination prosper so I told him
no I said I wished that denomination & all others would come
down He asked why I said so the Church of Christ might be
built up in its stead. I had a man a few days since come


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Whitmer, David
7 Jan 1805 - 25 Jan 1888
51 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
366 mentions
2 mentions
11 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
524 mentions
Maughan, Peter
7 May 1811 - 24 Apr 1871
32 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Mar 20, 1853