Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1854

Journal Entry

January 02, 1854 ~ Monday

2nd ^ Keys crossed^ I delivered an address to the inhabitants of the 14th
ward ^at the^ school House was followed by several others
in the fore part of the day I attended a party in
the evening at the Social Hall time was mostly spent
in music & danceing we had However an interesting
address from President Young on the subject of danceing
He said I consider this a suitable place to give some instrution.
we have assembled here to have music & danceing
the world have had vary strange Ideas concerning these things
they have supposed it was a vary wicked thing for a Christ[ian]
to dance or hear music many preachers of the day have
said that fidling & musick came from Hell But I say that
their is no fiddleing or music in hell their is not a fiddler in
hell or any music of any kind music belondgs in heaven
to cheer God, Angel, & man. if we could hear the music
their is in heaven it would overwhelm mortal man the
Lord gave us that organ that makes music so delightful to
man & the Devel has stolen musichk & many other things
that was ordained of God for the Benefit of man & has
turned it to an evil use but music & danceing is for the benef[it]
of the Holy ones & if those that come here to night are
not Holy & righteous & feel to worship & Praise God they
have no business here what strange Idea the world has
of a prophet they would expect to see a man with finger
na^i^les a foot long with his hair hanging to his hips, with
his body covered with dirt & filth with his head bowed
down in sorrow for the sins of the world that He would not
have a house or lie in one, or in a bed, but lie in the caves of
the rocks & on the Ground th& must never smile or appear
happy. And as to seeing an Apostles the people would
expect to melt if one came along. But all of these
Ideas are vain & foolish for this company before me
to night does not begin to be adorned inside or out as
they should be in order to meet with the Angels in heaven who
are adorned in purity power & Glory clothed with clean
white linen. I will say a word concerning danceing with the
Gentiles. As I have got up this party If I had felt disposed
to have invited some Gentiles herse would they have
contaminated me or this company No because the
priesthood rules here with the keys of power truth light
& knowledge. And I would not suffer any thing that
is rong for I would controlls things & have them my
own way or break up the party. But if any Elder in this
church was to follow after Gentile parties they would
submit themselves to their spirit partake of their evils
& go to the devel any Elder would fall that persued this

why do not the gentile merchants of this city embraced
this work because they have locked barded & bolted
their minds against it with evry lock they could
put on they swore by evry power they possess before
they left home they would not embrace it they came
with but one object & that was to gain money & they
are determined not to be turned from their purpose
many good remarks were made by the presidnt
I tarried at the party untill 12 oclok & then returned


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

January 22, 1854 ~ Sunday 22nd ^[FIGURE]^ I attended meeting at the Tabernacle & I preached in the morning to the saints from the following words "whatsoever ye sow that shall you reap" I told the people that if they sowed good principles in their own minds & in the minds of their children that they will bring forth good fruit which will tend to exhaltation & glory so can we judge of the nations of the Earth if they indulge in sin wickedness & abominations & their Children are brought up in the same they must expect to reap the whirlwind arrow & death, Judgment sorrow wo & destruction. We should warn our children of all danger & escape all sin ourselves we were here in these vallies through the mercies of God & we should make an improvement by our situation
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves fourth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Jan 2, 1854