Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1854

Journal Entry

January 04, 1854 ~ Wednesday

4th to 7th I spent the time at the Legislature

3rd4th JOURNEY May 3rd Presidents Young & Kimbal
with a company Left the Salt Lake City to visit all
the southern settlements I left with them I had
Trouman O Angel & Dr Sprague as my companions
I drove to Bishop Smoots at the sugar works the[n]
stoped untill Brother Angel could lay out a part
of the sugar works Mrs Woodruff & child rode
down there with me I parted with them at this
place & drove to Union ward & spent the night Silas
is Bishop distance 12 mile

We held a meeting in the evening President Young
Addressed the People I was not in at the comm[encem]ent
& had no chance of reporting his discourse the following
is a key to his address which I have to write from memory

I do not wish to spend my time neither is it profitably
for any man to spend his time in telling the people
what was done in the days of Adam, Enoch & Noah
thousands of years ago or what will be done in
the malinum thousands of years hence but my business
is to tell the people what they should do to day in order
to be saved this is my doctrin all the time. What
can I do or this people do this day in any one thing in
order to help build up the kingdom of God or to advance
one step further towards ^the^ salvation of ourselves or our
brethren. Now hwhat has been the counsel to this people
throughout this Territory for several years it has
been to Fort up, to wall in your cities with strong
walls. this has been the voice of the Lord unto them
all the day long have the people listened to this voice
have they carried out this counsel No they have not
but what have they done. they have been ready
to say what need hath the Lord of this thing. do you
think there is any danger of the Indians. do you think
that Brother Brigham really believes that it is necessary
to go to so much expens in building walls around our
cities Instead of going to work & doing what they are
told to do the people spend their time in talking about
it & trying to evade it.

Now I wish to ask a question. The Lord has appointed
me to lead this people the people has chosen me as their
leader & covenanted to sustain me & obey my counsel
Now if I tell the people what to do & they do not do
it, nor carry out my counsel, but turn from it
& go to work & do sumthing els & they continue this
year after year while at the same time I am
warning them of the danger of their course

& telling them of the Judgments that will
come upon them if they do not alter their
cours & go to work & do as I have told told the[m]
do you suppose they will escape the chastening
rod of the Almighty No they will not if the
people continue to persue this course & the
chastening rod does not fall upon their heads
I should become disgraced in the sight of God
Angels & men. this people may rest assured that
they are preparing a rod for their backs if they
do not listen to my counsel & do what I tell
them. but says one I would go to work &
help build a wall around the city if I knew
it was a revelation from God & that it was
his will that we should do it. I want to say to
such that it is my will that you should do it
& that is enough I am responsible for it & if
you want to know any further about it do
right pray unto the Lord & have faith before
him that you may have visions & revelations
from God tso that you may understand the
truth & know what lies before us as I do, then
you will not question the reasonableness of these
things but go to work & do them with all your might
My teaching is to tell the people what to do to be saved to
day for if you get out of the path of salvation today
you are in danger of being out of it tomorrow &
the further you stray from it the more difficulty
you will meet with in ever finding it again. it woud
be folly in me to spend my time in telling the people
about the glories of the Millennium while I see them
straying from those paths that would lead to those glories
now many of this people will say I have fine farms, Horses, cattle
goods gold & riches the possesser says I look upon them I say
thes are mine & at the same time you do not once even think
that there is not one thing in your possession that is youres that
it all belongs to God & even you yourself belongs to God & all you
have belongs to Him & He has ownly loaned it to you & yet
you do not acknowlede his hand in any thing while you should
acknowledge his hand in all things.

I know what the design
of the Lord is in leading this people to this place & his design
concerning Israel and it is none of your business what I coun-
sel you to do it is your business to go to work & do it. leave the
event with God I want this people to build their forts as I
tell them & when you have built this fort & made a wall
6 feet thick & 12 feet high & get comfortable in your houses then
go to work & build one on the outside of it 12 feet thick & run
them both up together 25 feet high & keep building untill
I tell you to stop, & be in a situation that you may shut up
your gates & lie down & sleep in safety with your wives & chi[l]dren
many other interesting remarks were made by President Young
upon this occasion which I am not able to record


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1458 mentions
104 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1583 mentions
Richards, Silas
18 Dec 1807 - 17 Mar 1884


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January 22, 1854 ~ Sunday 22nd ^[FIGURE]^ I attended meeting at the Tabernacle & I preached in the morning to the saints from the following words "whatsoever ye sow that shall you reap" I told the people that if they sowed good principles in their own minds & in the minds of their children that they will bring forth good fruit which will tend to exhaltation & glory so can we judge of the nations of the Earth if they indulge in sin wickedness & abominations & their Children are brought up in the same they must expect to reap the whirlwind arrow & death, Judgment sorrow wo & destruction. We should warn our children of all danger & escape all sin ourselves we were here in these vallies through the mercies of God & we should make an improvement by our situation
~ Wilford Woodruff
My teaching is to tell the people what to do to be saved to day for if you get out of the path of salvation today you are in danger of being out of it tomorrow & the further you stray from it the more difficulty you will meet with in ever finding it again. it would be folly in me to spend my time in telling the people about the glories of the Millennium while I see them straying from those paths that would lead to those glories now
~ Brigham Young

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Political/Government - Legislative Assembly note, 4 January 1854
W. Woodruff Chairman


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Wilford serves fourth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Jan 4, 1854