Day in the Life

May 20, 1855

Journal Entry

May 20, 1855 ~ Sunday

May 20th Sunday the People assembled at the meeting house
at 10 oclock. Meeting was opened By Prayer by W Woodruff
J. M. Grant addressed the people & was followed by H. C kimball
both had the spirit of the Lord & we had a good meeting.

at 2 oclok the people again assembled & was Addressed by
President Brigham Young * & all was edifyed W Woodruff report-
ed through the day Brothers Ellebeck & MCIntosh both took not[e]s
at the close of the meeting ^(* and He was followed by G A Smith)^

At the commencement of the meeting in the Afternoon President
Young said we have some Church business to attend to & I move
that we resolve ourselves into a special conference it was seconeded
& carried unanimously. It was then moved & carried that Isaac
be appointed the President of this stake of Zion which
imbraces Cedar City, Harmony, & Johnsons Fort & that He chuses
his two councillors. It was then moved & carried that Jonathan
Pugmire sen
Robert Wiley, Samuel White, Richard Harrison
Perry Liston, Iria Allen Samuel Lee, Laban Morrel, Rufus
C Allen
Thomas D. Brown, Joshua T Willis & Charles Hoppkins
be chosen & ordained as the twelve High councellors for this
stake of Zion. At the close of the meeting William Rees
was ordained a Bishop for fort Harmony under the ha[n]ds
of the first Presidency President Young being mouth. they
also ordained Isaac Haight to the Presidency of the stake
president Young being mouth

The Twelve High councellors were then set apart by Presidts
Kimball & Grant.

I then went with Brother Lee & pPugmire to see Brother James
({He let me have his Indian boy for which I paid him} $30.) I met with a number
of the brethren from fort Harmony among the number was T D Brown
A Hardy & S Atwood & Thomas P. Smith of Fort Johnson I took
supper with Elder J. D. Lee. He gave me the following report of
Harmony: Fort Harmony is 200 feet square 8 feet high when finished
is to be 22 feet high forming one wall for two story buildings the
foundation is stone & the remainder is Adobies the first story is 3 feet
the 2nd story 2 feet this fort contains 42 rooms on the ground
15 by 16 feet there are 40 families & 260 persons. One meeting
house 26 by 16. A tithing House 20 By 15 feet. A guard House 12 by 16 feet
One Female school kept. there is one public well in the fort 86 feet
deep stoned up & good water. They have a field of 500 Acres one half
of it fenced, 300 Acres of it in wheat. They have but one gate to their
fort which is 10 by 12 feet & one foot thick, strongly hung cannot be
opened from the outside One woman on the inside can shut it but it
takes several men to open it. They have made a farm for the Indians of
50 Acres 25 is now in wheat. They made a good road forom Fort Walker
to Fort Harmony on a strait line of 12 mile was made by a machine drawn
by 8 yoke of oxen. During the evening I met with several of the Brethren
in the upper room of the Council House After [ink blot] G. A. Smith officiated in some

we set apart Brother Hulse to his mission to Israel remarks were
made by W. Woodruff C. C. Rich & several others upon the subject of the


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hardy, Augustus Poore
2 Mar 1831 - 23 Dec 1912
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3446 mentions
Apostle, Family
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
352 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Allen, Ira
27 Apr 1814 - 21 Dec 1900
Haight, Isaac Chauncey
27 May 1813 - 8 Sep 1886
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Pugmire, Jonathan
28 Mar 1799 - 9 Aug 1876
Woodruff, Moroni Bosnell
abt. 1843-aft. 1861
31 mentions
Family, Native American
Allen, Rufus Chester
22 Oct 1827 - 7 Dec 1915
Atwood, Samuel F.
27 Feb 1825 - 1 May 1906
Brown, Thomas Dunlop
16 Dec 1807 - 20 Mar 1874
Smith, Thomas Price
11 Oct 1806 - 3 Apr 1896
9 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Ellerbeck, Thomas Witton
14 Sep 1829 - 2 Apr 1895


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Letter from Phillip Moss Westwood, 28 May 1855

Springville at 2 Oclock P.M. It was unanimously resolved: That, in view of the organisation of a branch of the Universal Scientific Society in this city; the following persons be appointed ^as a commitee^ to form a constitution, and draw up such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the govern- ment of said branch: Said committee to report progress to a a Mass Meeting twhenever they are prepared to do so. Members of Committee A F McDonald A. Johnson W. J. Earl U. Curtis J. M. Stewart H. H. Kearns P. M. Westwood A. F. McDonald President P. M. Westwood Sec.y The above committee met at the house of H. H. Kearns Springville May 24 1855: when it was Resolved Unanimously: 1st That inasmuch as we wish to advance in all useful knowledge, and improvement: We, whose names are heareto attached agree to form ourselves into an Association, to be known and recognised as "The Springville Branch of the Universal Scientific Society" Also resolved. 2nd: That the branch be governed by a president four vicepresidents, a secretary, a corresponding secretary a treasurer, 2two autditors, and two reporters; who

Letter from Phillip Moss Westwood, 28 May 1855

Springville at 2 oclock P.M. It was unanimously resolved: That, in view of the organisation of a branch of the Universal Scientific Society in this city; the following persons be appointed ^as a committee^ to form a constitution, and draw up such rules and regulations as may be neccessary for the govern- ment of said branch: said committee to report progress to a a mass meeting whenever they are prepared to do so. Members of Committee A F McDonald H. H. Kearns A. Johnson P. M. Westwood W. J. Earl [blank] U. Curtis A. F. McDonald President J. M. Stewart P. M. Westwood Sec.y The above committee met at the house of H. H. Kearns Springville May 24 1855; when it was Resolved unanimously: 1st That inasmuch as we wish to advance in all useful knowledge, and improvement: We, whose names are hereto attached agree to form ourselves into an association, to be known and recognised as "The Springville Branch of the Universal Scientific Society" Also resolved, 2nd: That the branch be governed by a president four vicepresidents, a secretary, a corresponding secretary a treasurer, two auditors, and two reporters; who

Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff and Children, 20 May 1855

Greats Salt Lake Dear Willford I thought that perhaps you might like to hear from home although I have not heared from you the Southern Mail arrived last wednesday and brought letters to many but not to me. The eastern mail arrived on the 12th and brought 2 letters from Ilus 1 to you and 1 to me also an Argus, you had 3 numbers of the Sun 2 of the Tribune 1 Mormon 1 of the Presidents message 1 Written by L. O. Littlefield 2 papers peas 1 paper salery sead 1 parsnip 1 radish 1 cabage of which Father has planted the most. The earth is very dry haveing had no rain since you left but constant wind which wrenches the little trees very much—today there has been a little snow on the east moun- tains but none in the Vally. The garden looks as well as can be expec- ted. Br Kington, has brought the wool only 16 fleeces I thought we were going to have all of it, I felt quite disappointed for I understood you that you was to have the whole; it is ready for the machine—there is about 40 lbs. of it. Sister Smith called for some lumber that she said you gave her but I know nothing of it consequently did not let her have it. I let Samuel Richards have 12 bush. of potatoes by the way of br. Hoagland as he said you wished him to dispose of them for taxes or wall. We are well all but myself. I have been so wearied out from moveing that I have hardly kept up at all. I think I shall never get over it. bBr. Phelps has not done his job of work about the house yet, it looks as unpleasent as ever. I have found the stove key in my closeperess and lost ymy speectacles suppose the Indians took them as they have

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866

In the afternoon of Sunday the 20th of May at the commencement of the meeting President Young said "We have some Church business to attend to and I remove that we resolve ourselves into a Special Conference." It was seconded and carried unanimously It was then moved and carried that Isaac Haight be appointed the President of this stake of Zion which embraces the ^ceder^ city of Harmony and Johnson's Fort; and that he choose his two counsellors. It was moved and carried that Jonathan Pugmire Sen Robert Willey Samuel White Richard Harrison Perry Liston Iria Allen Samuel Lee Laban Morrel Rufus C Allen


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May 20, 1855