29th I Attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brothers Kimball
& Phelps preached in the morning & O Pratt & & B Young
in the afternoon
On the 24 & 25 of July I attended the Polosophical society
in the social Hall & Herd till midnight the most thrilling soul stiring
speeches, essays, Addresses, songs, music &c &c that I ever herd
it was truly interesting to enjoy such a feast of the production
of sthe stronges talent in the world we also was addressed ion
saturday evening at the Universal scientific society by
[blank] on the subject of Phronology followed by O.
pratt & W Woodruff
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President Preached strong doctring He told us our duty to the Lamanites & the consequences that would follow if we did not do it He warned us against neglecting that people, & neglecting prayer, & against our opposing any commandment, revelation, or doctrin that comes from God. O that we might be wise & listen to the things of God for we shall inherit the Kingdom of God with all its blessings if we do & sorrow morning & wo if we do not
In conversing upon various principles President Young thought none would inherit this Earth when it became celestial & translated into the presence of God but those who would be crowned as Gods & able to endure the fulness of the Presance of God
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