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Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1855

Journal Entry

November 16, 1855 ~ Friday

13 to 16 I spent the time at home hunting an ox & butchering him
& working on the high way


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W. Woodruff addressed the people & said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills & dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr- ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a different subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth has been presented to this people since the commencement of this conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Nov 16, 1855