17th In company with Orson & Parley Pratt & wife
I rode to the city Bountiful to Attend a Quarterly
conferen. The People assemblyed at 11 oclock meeting
opened by singing & Prayer by Henry Harriman the people
were addressed by H. S. Eldridge who compared the faith
& blessings of the Ancient Saints with the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints He spoke to the Edification
of the people
He was followed by Zerah Pulsipher who also spoke to
the Edifycation of the [blank]
P.M. Meeting opened by Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt
& the People were addressed by Henry Harriman & followed
by Elder Orson Pratt who spoke at length in the power
of God
The People again met 6 oclok in the evening & were addressed
By Gilbert Clements the spirit & power of God also
rested upon him & all were much Edifyed in what He
said. Bishop I. L. Haywood followed & bore testimony
to the truth
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W. Woodruff addressed the people & said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills & dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr- ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a different subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth has been presented to this people since the commencement of this conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have
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