Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1856

Journal Entry

January 09, 1856 ~ Wednesday

9th I attended council or the Joint session of the Legislature
In the forenoon & the court in the afternoon on the trial
of Judge Drummond On an accusation of Murder it
was first brought Before the Probate Court then Judge Drumm[ond]
got out a rit of Hebeus Corpus given by Judge Kenny the
case then of the right of writ was tried before Judge Kenny
yesterday. Mr Miner & Mr Kelting plead in behalf
of the prisioner they both took a strong stand against the
Probate Court, against the Legislature & the Laws of Utah
Kelting made a fool of himself it was thought by some
that He was insane and knew not what he said. J. C. Little
T. Williams & Wm Hickman plead in behalf of the state
& sustained the probate court & Utah Laws to day as
soon as the court opened, Judge Drummond informed
the court that He wished to withdraw the whole suit from
before him the Judge informed him that He would have to be
remanded back to the probate court. He said He knew that
but He wished to withdraw the suit without Malace it was then
withdrawn & the court closed

A single key with teeth to the left Jan 9th At 7 oclok in the evening the Legislature & citizens
of Fillmore met in the school House to take into consideration
the propriety of Esstablishing a weekly or daily line of
stages & Mail from the Missouri River to Sacramento the
secretary A. W. Babbitt spoke first. He was followed by Judge
Stiles Porter Rockwell Orson Pratt, Enoch Reese, John S Folman
then Governor Young closed they brought to light many in-
teresting things. W. Woodruff reported all their speeches &
has them in reserves the meeting was adjourned to the Tab-
In Great Salt Lake City Saturday 26 Jan. 1856


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family
Stiles, George Philander
21 Oct 2024 - 1 Sep 1885
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Kinney, John Fitch
2 Apr 1816 - 16 Aug 1902
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1083 mentions
Williams, Thomas Stephen
2 Jan 1827 - 18 Mar 1860
Hickman, William A.
16 Apr 1815 - 21 Aug 1883


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I advis- ed the young men to improve well their time & store their minds well with knowledge while in the days of their youth that they might have the benefit of it when they come to do business in the church & kingdom of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 9 January 1856
G. S. L. My Dear Willford I haste to say that we have received a package of very interesting letters which gives us much and the Post Master says if I hurry he will mail a line to you; We are all well and getting along very well only I get cross sometimes among my many cares. The children are much pleased with their letters and as you will soon be home I think they will hardly write in mass again. You said you thought I had better not write affter I received your letter dated Jan. 5 for you would be on your way home but I hear that the mail goes through to Fillmore this time therefore will not write again. I enclose br Harts bill of books. We hear that all of the members of Congress are getting themselves new way wives if so I hope you will not be an odd one among them. It is funny that the would be no- bility have got into such a jangle. Phebe wrote you but the mail came in and I thought I would acknowledge the reception of your interest- ing package, which gives me much pleasure I have tried to do the best in every respect with the family that my frail nature would would admit of but I have so many imperfections that it trou- bles me much but I truly hope that you and all my friends will overlook them The children all send their
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the afternoon of the I attended court on the trial of Judge Drummond for murder or upon an accusation of it. It was first brought before the Probate Court. Then Judge Drummond got out a writ of Habeus Corpus given by Judge Kinney. The case of the right of writ was tried before Judge Kenney the day before, and Mr Miner and Mr Ketting took a strong stand against the Legislature and the laws of Utah. As soon as the Court opened to day Judge Drummond informed the Court that he wished to withdraw the whole suit and Judge Kinney informed him that he would have to be remanded back to the Probate Court. He said he knew that but he wished to withdraw the suit without mallace. It was withdrawn and the Court closed In the evening of the same day the Legislature and the citizens of Filmore met in the


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Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Jan 9, 1856