Day in the Life

Nov 10, 1856

Journal Entry

November 10, 1856 ~ Monday

10th I called upon President Young we went to the endowment
& spent the forenoon. I spent the afternoon in the office
Elder A. O. Smoot Brought in the Church train goods &c
& Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company there had been
60 deaths in that company they were nearly chilled to death
by the snows & cold in the mountains

Elder Steel from Iron County called upon me. He gave me an
account of the Lead mines. He said there should be a settlement
on the Rio Virgin say 15 miles from old Harmony. By putting a
settlement on the rRio Virgin go down the Rio Vergin and up the Santa
& you will get as good a road & save 6 miles oin going on the
Calafornia Road. their is plenty of cotton wood on the Rio Vergin &
pine in the Mountains & grass on the Hills & building Rock this settlement
would be about 12 miles from a good saw mill now running & there is
no place beyound this point whare you could make a settlement for a
great distance as it is a barren Desolate country

I attended the Meeting of the Presidents of the Seventies at the 70s Hall
President Joseph Young called upon all the first Presidents of the Seventies to
Pray in ther turn so that He could feel of their spirits. Brother Joseph
spoke to the people & then I Pradyed & addressed the Presidents of the seventy
as they composed the congregation the spirit & power of God rested upon
me & while I was speaking President Brigham Young came in when I
closed I was followed by Henry Harriman Levi Hancock Zera Pulsipher
& President Brigham Young. He promised the people in the name of
An arrow A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the left Jesus Christ if they would repent & turn from
their sins from that hour all their sins should
be forgiven them & not remembered against them No more
forever either on Earth or in Heaven O what Joy this should
give the people for they have nearly all signed [sinned] more or less. my soul
was filled with Joy at the teachings presented by President Young


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family
Harriman, Henry
9 Jun 1804 - 17 May 1891
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Hancock, Levi Ward
7 Apr 1803 - 10 Jun 1882
35 mentions
Zion's Camp
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


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in order to obtain the blessings.
~ President Kimball

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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the Elder A. O. Smoot brought in the Church train goods &c and brother Willie the Handcart company. There had been 60 deaths in that company They were nearly chilled to death by the snows and cold in the mountains
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
Given by President Young I attended meeting of the Presidents of the Seventies in the Seventies Hall While I was speaking President Young came in when I closed and was followede by Herriman Hancock and Pulsifepher and then President Young The President promised the people in the name of Jesus Christ that if they would repent and turn from their sins from that hour all their sins should be forgiven them and not remembered against them any more for ever either on earth or in heaven.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).
Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Nov 10, 1856