Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1857

Journal Entry

January 04, 1857 ~ Sunday

4th Sunday I spent the day at the tabernacle. Lorenzo Snow
addressed the people & was followed by W. Woodruff in the fore part of the
day & O. Hyde & D Spencer in the afternoon the spirit of the Lord was
with us & we had a good day I attended the prayer circle in the evening
& went in company with S. M Blair to the 11th ward & I preached to
the people & several others spoke we had a good meeting

Daniel H Wells was ordained to the Apostleship & as one of the first
5th I spent thPresidency or 2nd councellor to president Brigham Young. He was ordained
under the Hands of Presidents Brigham Young & H C Kimball


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
701 mentions
Apostle, Family
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
696 mentions
Blair, Seth Millington
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875


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He said that He did not Believe in this custom of Adoption [FIGURE] that had been practiced in this Church no man should give his Birthright to another but should keep his birthright in the linage of his Fathers & go to & unite the link through the whole linage of their fathers untill they come up to a man in the Linage who held the priesthood like a Branch of a tree the branch of a vine still abides in the vine though it comes out of it unless the vine is cut of[f] or the branch it will abide in it. now unless a man is a poor Cuss he should keep his priest- hood & unite it with his Fathers & not give it to another. & the Lord will save our Father. Evry man that gets his Patriarchal Blessings & Priesthood He becomes the Patriarch of his own family & should bless his own family.
~ Heber C Kimball
the spirit of God rested upon us in power & the vision of our minds was open upon the priesthood & its power & Blessings. I told the people that they did not prize the priesthood as they should & spoke of the great work which we had to perform who bore the priesthood in preparing this generation for salvation or damnation in redeeming our dead &c.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Samuel F. Atwood, 4 January 1857
[sideways text] Los Vegas S. F. Atwood [end of sideways text] I would be happy to receive an answer to this. SFA [FIGURE] Jan 10th 1857. I seat myself this morning to finish my letter as it is the last day before sending it. [FIGURE] Every thing was ready and the smelting was commenced on the 25th of Dec and by dilligence and hard labour we have run out about 9 thousand pounds The mineral yeald from 20 to 30 per cent proving to be of a much poorer quality than was expected to be when seen in the lead on the mou- ntain there is found in it after the outside is taken off much dry bone black jack and sulpher which burns up much of the Lead in smelting which makes the mineral yeald much less than was estimated it would do by any that saw it even old miners and smelters so that bro Jones was not alone in over estimating it. My health is very good and the most of the hand enjoy the same some two or three are unwell with a cold Bro Jones enjoys very good health and is determined to obtain the amount of Lead required if posible. Pleas excuse all mistakes for I have written this where there has been several talking &c Yours &c, S. F. Atwood Los Vegas Lead Mines Jan 4th 1857 Elder Woodruff Dear brother: According to your request and my promise to you before I left SG. S. L. City I seat myself to write you a few lines to give you an account of our journey to this place and all other news that I may think of that will be interesting to you [FIGURE] Bro N. V. Jones and company (of which I was one) left the city on the 31st of Nov 1856 After having been detained four days after every thing els was ready hunting for a lost mule. Bro Jones has three mule teams one wagon with two mules and the ^other^ two with four which were loaded with surplies a horse power bellows furnase hearths &.c. for the Lead Diggins. We camped in the settlements as far as we could. The weather was cold and some of the time stormy which retarded our speed in traveling and being detained three days at Parawan for the arrival of Bros James Williamson from Cedar City and Lorenzo W Roundy from Harmony we did not arrive at Cedar City until the 14th of Nov I will here say that the reformation has spread more or less in all of the different settlements baptism has been administered to the saints in many of them and repentance and reformation has been and is being preached to the all which is listened to with good attention by many and treasured up by some to profit thereby. A surplus of provisions has been raised in the most of the settlements and some of improve ments have been made in the diffent cities and by in the farming opeations by some while others seem to be walling [willing] to live in old log huts apparently indifferent whether Zion is buled up and beautified or not. In this place (Cedar City) there has been some building and other improve- ments made far more in the old city than on the new plat
Letter to Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff Ross, 4 January 1857
Mary A Jackson I wish to say that I have been informed through Orson pratts family & several Other sources that you are reporting to people as you have an opportunity that president Young required me to support you 6 months with a home food & rament & sharply reproved me saying that I had treated you ill. if you have made any one of these statements to a- ny person you have lied & stated falshoods president Young did not reprove me Neither did He require or [illegible] me to feed, clothe or keep you one day or give you one dime what I have done for you since I gave you a Bill I Have done out of charity not because I was compelld to do it And I will now say if you do not seacse you lying I shall expose you & you need not turn to me for any further support untill I am satisfyed that you Have recalled these fals statements where you have made them W. Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Jan 4, 1857