Day in the Life

Feb 9, 1857

Journal Entry

February 09, 1857 ~ Monday

9th An arrow My Father Aphek Woodruff was taken vary sick this
morning with the Billious cholic He had a vary sick day I was with him
the Latter part of the day & all night I could not get any thing to pass
his bowels


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Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions


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we done a good deal of work at that time on the temple. & it was difficult to get bread for the hands to eat. I told the people toor the committe who had charge of the temple means to deal out all the flour they had & God would give them more & they done so & it was but a short time before Brother Toronto come & brought me twenty five hundred dollars in gold the committee & the Bishop met & I met with them & they said that the Law was to lay the gold at the Apostles feet yes I said & I will lay it at the Bishops feet so I opened the mouth of the bag & took hold of the bottom end & gave it a yerk [jerk] towards the Bishop & strewed the gold across the room at his feet & I said now go & buy flour for the workmen on that temple & dont distrust the Lord any more for we will have what we need
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the my father Aphek Woodruff was taken sick with the Billious cholic and continued very ill for some days and I thought he was ^striken with^ taken for death but he recovered On the following Sunday after a pleasing discourse from George Sims Aropene the Utah chief delivered a powerful discourse and exhorted the Saints in the strongest manner to follow their leaders and do right and not drink wiskey or do wrong in anything. I spoke after him and told the people to lay that exhortation to heart as it was given by a Lamanite chief.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Feb 9, 1857