Day in the Life

Feb 17, 1857

Journal Entry

February 17, 1857 ~ Tuesday

17th A crown In company with F. ^D.^ Richards I called upon President Young
and asked him what I should do whare council was asked
of me either by the 70s or Bishops. Joseph Young said to the Quorum
of Seventies that when they were called to be Bishops or councillors
that they might still retain their place as Presidents of the seventies &
not be ordained High Priests. Bishop Hunter thinks that they should Be ordained
Bishops & High Priest. what shall I do about it. President Young said if
they would go their ^way^ & hold there tongue about it they might stand as they
are & act as Councellors to a Bishop, but if they will not, ordain them
I said I thought that men ought to walk in the channel pointed out
for them & not complain about it President Young said yes let them
do as they are told. I spent the day in the office reading History & councelling
Elder L Snow & F. D. Richards was with me a part of the day I attended the
Bishops meetings in the evening. Bishop Hunter spoke & I followed him
I told the Bishops to impress upon the minds of the people the necessity
of living their religion after this date for if the people again commit
sin after being forgiven as they now were they would not
again be forgiven but the Justice of the Law would be brought against
them & they would have to pay the penalty or be cut off from the
Church again I told them they should not boast of their authority
& power or that a Seventy was greater than a High Priest or that a
High Priest was greater than a seventy no man should boast of the
power of the priesthood untill he obtained some of that power &
it was manifested upon him & when that was upon him he certainly
would not boast of it for the Holy spirit would teach him sens enough
to know better. It is vary seldom that I have known the power of
the presiesthood made manifest upon the children of men in our [day] to a
vary great Degree but in some instances it was manifest as in
the case of the prophet Joseph at the time his [house] was full of the sick &
dying & his door Yard & they were strewed along the bank of the river
for 2 miles & Joseph rose up & shook himself like an old Lyion
& commenced at his own tent door & healed all the people who was
not dead on both sides of the river by the power of God his voice was
as the voice of God & the earth almost trembled under his feet as he com-
manded the sick to arise & be made whole. It was also manifest with
Joseph while made fast in chains & in prision in Missouri & his wicked
ungodly persecuters gathered around him & while he was made fast in
chains with his chains Brethren yet they goaded his feelings by boasting
of how many murders they had commited & rapes upon mormon women
& how they had cut the mormons to peices then they would blaspheme the
name of God untill his spirit was reigned up & he rose up in the power of
God in the midst of his chains & spoke as in the voice of thunder "Silence
ye fiends of the pit. I will not live another momen[t] & hear such vile
language from mortals, either you or I shall die right here or els you
shall scease from boasting of shall such damnable deeds as you are guilty
of." They quailed before his words like leather wilting in the flames
& they bowed before him & made acknowledgedments to him this was done
by the power of God. "Again David Patten was taken by an armed mob
under a United States warrant & when he was surroun[d]ed with an armed
mob of about 40 men under the garb of Law & would not let him say one word in
his own defence but he arose in the power of God & held them fast to their seats
untill he addressed them about 1/2 an hour he told them they were cowards
rascals & villans & he proved it to them, & they had not power to harm a hair
of His head & they let him & Warren Parrish go, away. Again this power
was manifest with President Brigham Young on the bank of the Missouri River
at Winter Quarters when the merchants brought up goods to sell to the brethren

who were going to the mountains. Old Major Miller the Indian Agent was
surrounded by officers & Miller in order to show his great power He told the
merchants that owned some Alcohol not to roll a Barrel of off from the
boat that He would knock the head in & spill it upon the ground president
Young steped up & told the men to roll it out & if miller spilled it that
moment I will spill his clarret He & all the officers turned pale the liquor
was rolled out & nobody hurt And other instances might be named when
the power of the priesthood has been manifest but these men have never
boasted of it nor never will I made many other remarks. I was followed
by Lorenzo Snow who spoke well.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Patten, David Wyman
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
140 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


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It was also manifest with Joseph while made fast in chains & in prision in Missouri & his wicked ungodly persecuters gathered around him & while he was made fast in chains with his chains Brethren yet they goaded his feelings by boasting of how many murders they had commited & rapes upon mormon women & how they had cut the mormons to peices then they would blaspheme the name of God untill his spirit was reigned up & he rose up in the power of God in the midst of his chains & spoke as in the voice of thunder "Silence ye fiends of the pit. I will not live another momen[t] & hear such vile language from mortals, either you or I shall die right here or els you shall scease from boasting of shall such damnable deeds as you are guilty of." They quailed before his words like leather wilting in the flames & they bowed before him & made acknowledgements to him this was done by the power of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1857-02-17

Wilford Woodruff, stated there was a vacancy in the history of the church, for at least 3 months immediately after the death of Joseph, and if any present can furnish anything either from memory or Journal that transpired during that period, will please forward the same to the Historians Office, referring to the reformation, he said the Lord had forgiven us for what was past, but after rebaptism, should the people again sin in Israel, the Law would undoubtedly be put in force, for it was impossible that people could henceforth sin with impunity, for he well knew that Prest Young would never appear before us again in that merciful consideration, which he has done of late, refered to the great blessings that belonged to the lessor priesthood, especially the ministration of angels, and strongly deprecated a spirit of contention that had been more or less manifest for the last 14 years, and recommended each one to realize the respon sibility that rested on them, let their calling be what it may, mentioned the power of the priesthood that was manifest in several instances in Nauvou, where the sick and dying lay about in all directions, and Joseph rose up and shook himself, and commanded every one of them to rise up, and they were healed forthwith, he also spoke of other instances where the wicked were kept at Bay, and were made to Quake and fear at the words of the Lord through his Servants Joseph, Brigham, and David Patten, spoke of the clouds that were gathering ahead of us, and the necessity of each one being in readiness both Temporally and Spiritually, that we may have the blessing and approbation of God.

Letter from William Woodward, 17 February 1857

Elder W. Woodruff, Knowing that you desired a brief sketch of what we know about last year's emigration induced me to commence this brief note. I left Liverpool on the 19th of April on the ship "S. Curling" bound for Boston. A ^with a^ company of saints numbering about 703 souls under the Presidency of Dan Jones, John Oakley & David Grant. We arrived at Boston on the 23rd of May In good health & spirits as a company—experienced no difficulty with the officers & were treated with respect by the citizens of that place. Most of our company left Boston on the 26th of May in the cars for Iowa city, price of passage $11.00. We arrivd at Iowa City June 2nd. I staid at Iowa city till July 16th ^when I left^ with the 4th Handcart company James G. Willie, captain. Millen Atwood, capt. of the 1st Hundred: Levi Savage capt. of the 2nd Hundred; William Woodward, capt of the 3rd Hundred; John Chislett, capt of the 4th Hundred; & J. A. Ahmanson, capt of the 5th Hundred. Our company comprised about 500 souls; 5 mules; 12 yoke of cattle; 20 handcarts; 25 Tents; & 5 wagons.

Letter from William Woodward, 17 February 1857

Wm Woodard to W. Woodruff [end of red ink] Independence Rock in search of the rest of the. Handcart companies, crossing the rocky ridge we had a tremenduous snow storm the next morning we buried 13 souls. Some six wagons came to our assistance at this place on the Sweetwater; we travelled on & crossed Green river; the day we left Green River about 10 wagons from Fort Supply came to our assistance. From this time on wagons continued to come to our assistance with clo- thing, ^&^ provisions. From the time we left Fort Bridger we had about 50 wagons assisting us on to the valley. We buried 68 souls of the "Fourth handcart co" between Iowa City & G. S. L. City. The names of all the Bretheren I am not acquainted with that came to our assistance but suffice to say the most of them were on hand & kind to the sick & feeble altho some few were very attentive to the fair sex. When our company arrived in G. S. L. City the Bishops took care of them im- mediately. Altogether the people of the 4th Hand cart co. have Great reasons to thank God & the Saints in Utah. This, or any portion of it is at your service William Woodward.

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866

On the in company with F. D. Richards I called upon President Young and asked him what I should do where


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Feb 17, 1857