Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1858

Journal Entry

June 14, 1858 ~ Monday

14th I spent the day in the offices of President Young
& the historians


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family


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A public meeting was again held in the Council house with the commissioners Col Forney and the Presidency Twelve and a House Full of the saints they were addressed by John Taylor G A Smith & James Furguson spoke much to the point. President Brigham Young then addressed the saints and spoke in the power of God those commissioners herd the voice & roar of the Lion. all the speeches were reported at 5 oclok we herd an address from Governor Powell He said all arangements were made we should now have peace and he seemed to be much rejoiced at having peace.
~ Wilford Woodruff
had made war upon us & wished to destroy us because of our religion thinking that it would be popular but He found that Congress would not sustain him in it he had got into a bad scrape and wished to get out of it the best he could now he wants pece because he is in the wrong & has met with a strong resistance by a strong high minded people in these mountains which he did not expect to meet, we are willing to give him peace upon any terms which are honerable but not upon any terms which are dishonor- able to us, we know our rights and dare maintain them trusting in God for victory. The Lord has herd our prayers and the President of the United States has been brought to a point whare he has been oblieged to ask for peace when gov Powel had closed his remarks President Young spoke much to the point after which, Erastus Snow D. H. Wells & G Clements followed and all spoke vary pointed and plain expressed their determined that their rights should not be infringed upon.
~ Wilford Woodruff
we left the City rode to the American fork took dinner then met in the afternoon with the saints in that place President Young addressed the saints. He said I will say a few words upon those subjects which we feel interested in at the present time I feel interested in all things that concern this people many want to know what will be the result of this summers troubles or movements the hand of God is visible in all things with us he has brought us to our present position of peace and has hedged up the way of our Enemies. He spoke much to our Edifycation
~ Brigham Young


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Jun 14, 1858