20th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Jacob
Gates spokes first & gave a good exertation & was followed by
Elder O Pratt who spoke much to the Edefication of the people
At the close of the Meeting I met with my prayer circle A
Hoagland prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young a short time TE. T. Benson
C. C. Rich Erastus Snow came in. President Young said
their was a Hand Bill stuck up in the city for a Ball with
Thomas Williams Name to it. I have had a ticket or invi-
tation to go to the Ball and it is rumoured that Col Johns-
on would attend, but if Col Johnson waits for me to make
a Ball and bear the expenses of it & invite him to in in
order to see him He will wait a good while And if Col
Johnson is the man I take him to be I do not think He will
come over to Join these rowdies in their Ball. There is
many of this Church who does not know the diference
between inviteing our Enemies, the Gentiles, ^or^ the wicked to
Join in our feast or dances, or gioing to their parties & being
under their dominion. If we invite a wicked man to
our dance we preside over him. If we go to his party He
presides over us and has an influence over us. If Col
Johnson will stay whare he is and maintain his own Group
I have no objection I mean to stay whare I am and main-
tain my own Ground by the help of the Lord
I met with the Twelve in the circle C. C. Rich prayed & E. T. Ben[son]
was mouth we made some arangments about prepareing for
a Prayer & Fasting meeting of the Twelve Apostles
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O pratt Prayed that the Holy Ghost might be poured out upon us, that our hearts might be filled with good desires that we might be taught to pray & what to ask of the Lord
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