Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1864

Journal Entry

February 02, 1864 ~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day mostly at home writing & choreing I attended
the Gardners Club in the Evening & presented to the club the
following specimins of Apples Northern spy, Pecks plesant,
green New Town Pippin, wine sap, Newtown Spitzenborgh, Wagner,
Hubbardsons Nonesuch & green winter Pairmain


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February 6, 1864 ~ Saturday 6 [FIGURE] This morning before I was out of Bed, My Grand Son Wilford Leslie Snow, son of Lorenzo & Phebe Snow, being two years old this day, came to my bed side & laid his hands upon my head & Gave me the following Blessing "O Lord Bless Grand Pa, give unto him great wisdom, health, strength, & Peace, comfort his heart, may he live long upon the Earth to do great good, give him power over Every enemy, and preserve him from Every Evil & sin. Give him the desires of his heart in all things in righteousness. May the spirit of God contin- ually rest upon Grand Pa to guide him in all things. may peace abide upon his habitation, & salvation upon his family forever I ask these Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen As Wilford Leslie is young in the Patriarchal office it is right to say he had the assistance of his Mother.
~ Wilford Woodruff

Feb 2, 1864