Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1865

Journal Entry

March 13, 1865 ~ Monday

13. It is still snowing we are having the hardest winter we have
Ever had since we have been in these mountains we have more snow
both in the mountains & vallies than we have ever had before &
more cattle, sheep, & horses are dying tham in any other winter

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Letter from John Fitch Kinney, 13 March 1865
Washington, D.C., Hon. Wilford Woodruff: My dear Sir—Your letter of Jan. 24th, enclosing an act creating an agent to receive and manage the Agricultural fund of the Territory has come to hand. I will procure from the General land office such information as is within their power and forward the same to you. Agricultural scrip is now being issued by the States that have availed themselves of the act, and such scrip is now in the market, and is being bought by speculators to invest in public lands. This scrip I was told was selling for seventy cents on the acre, and the fund appro- priated for college purposes. However I will endeavor to procure and forward you more satisfactory information than I now possess. I forwarded by late mail to you ten sacks of books under brass


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Mar 13, 1865