8. We rode to the Indian Farm had another meeting with
the Indians Chiefs & Braves after talking a while all the Chiefs
came foreward & signed the treaty except Sanpitch Walkers
Brother, who claims to be the main Chief he lay in his tent on
his face for about 2 days on his dignity, walker like, & would
not speak to any one. the other Chiefs went on & done their
business & paid no attention to him. after all was over
Sanpitch came foreward & wanted his presents & to sign the
treaty. He got some presents but afterwords had to come to
G S L City to sign the treaty. Col Johns of U S Armey
was present. Col Irish told him that he could not make
any treaty with the Indians ownly through the influ-
ence of President Young. At the close of the treaty, we
rode to Spanish Fork & held a meeting President Young spoke
to the people followed ^20 [minutes]^ by John Taylor. I spent the night with Br Wilkins 10 m[iles]
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