8. Wm Kidd was found dead in his house this morning in
Provo. I Attended the Coroner's inquest, it was proven that he
shot himself through the head yesterday with a horse pistol
which was found by his side, his pistol had 3 balls which
went in the forehead above the Eyebrows. He was a Bachelor
had No family. We met at the Bowery at 10 oclok for
a 2 days meeting. L. Snow opened the meeting, G. Q. Cannon
spoke 28 minutes L Snow 43, T. B. H. Stenhouse 25 minuts. Afternoon
W Woodruff opened By Prayer. F D Richards spoke 44 minutes
Joseph Bull, 8 minutes on the Deserett News G Q Cannon 13,
J Vancott 17 G. A. Smith, 4, Capt Hooper 15 minutes {meeting} closed
review of troops in the Evening
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