Day in the Life

Jul 9, 1865

Journal Entry

July 09, 1865 ~ Sunday

Sunday July 9, 1865

Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. J Taylor Prayed & spok
to the people 52 minutes W Woodruff 25 G. A. Smith 16 minutes
In the Afternoon Prayer By F. D. Richards Lorenzo Young spoke 43
minutes, John W Young 22, Samuel Richards 13. G. A. Smith
Presented the candidates for Election. We had a unanimous
vote for all. He spoke 9 minuts. President Young was not well
& did not speak untill the close then he spok 5 minute. we rode
to Springville & spent the night with Bishop Johnson 6 mil
We visited Brother Bringhurst Bee stand in the Evening it was
a good sight in Utah He had 16 stand & all doing well swa[rm]ing
& filling their hives with honey


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Johnson, Aaron
22 Jun 1806 - 10 May 1877
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3450 mentions
Apostle, Family
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1956 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
329 mentions
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions
Richards, Samuel Whitney
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909


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Discourse 1865-07-09
Elder Wilford Woodruff:—"Last Spring, long after the time of plowing and sowing, Pres. Young told us not to fret ourselves, for we should have a fruitful season. The gardens have been watered from the clouds in such a way that I have not before seen in these mountains. We enjoy many blessings in these visits. The people are blessed in leaving their fields and work-shops to attend these meetings, to rejoice to- gether in the things of the kingdom of God. There is no better field to preach in than in Utah; we need preaching to. We are subject to temptation, and are in the midst of evils that are seeking to overthrow those principles that will ex- alt man." He then referred to the reading of novels and other kinds of fiction, and their injurious tendency, noticing the fiction so generally believed in by the christian world, that the Lord is an un- organized being, without body, parts or passions. "Though the Twelve Apostles are or- dained to the power of the Apostleship, they exercise their calling under the di- rection of the First Presidency. No man but the President has a right to give a revelation for the guidance of this Church; it is the right of every Latter-day Saint to have revelation for their individual benefit; but none of us have a right to give a new doctrine to the Church without the consent and knowledge of the First Presidency of the Church. This life is dear to us, for in it we are expected to prepare for a higher sphere. All the powers of earth are against this kingdom. We must live near to God, and be rich in the preparations of the gospel. Let us be efficient in these matters." He then spoke on the necessity of cleansing out of our fields the noxious weeds; not only to clean them out of our growing crops, but to mow the bor- ders of fields, and not suffer them to go to seed, and change the land to hoed crops until the foul weeds are all des- troyed.

Jul 9, 1865