Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1865

Journal Entry

July 13, 1865 ~ Thursday

13 Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. Prayer By Joseph W. Young
W Woodruff spoke 38 minutes F. D. Richards 42, G A Smith 15
G Q Cannon Dismissed. Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt
President Young Spoke to the people 58 minutes. He said that the whole
curse of the Earth had got to be taken off from the Earth by the
Latter day Saints. We have got to be sanctified & sanctify all

the Earth & we have got to begin by sanctifying our own
hearts first & then spread out. How many of the children
of this people are Entitled to the Holy Priesthood & the Blessings
of Abraham all who are born after their parents have received
their Endowments & are sealed & all others will have to be adopted
to their parents. All who want the Blessings of Abram
Isaac & Jacob go & get your Endowments before you get
married. then all your children will be heirs to the
priesthood. their is no son has a right to the Priesthood
& heirship unless their parents had their Endowments
before they were born such must be adopted to their
parents or they have no right to the heirship. Let no youth
get married untill they get their Endowments & get sealed
at the Altar. If young men knew what was for their
good they would go hundreds of miles to get married
right before they would do as many have. Our boys who
are guided by a right hand will be mighty men ^of God^ in the
Earth. The Lord instituted Polygamy to raise up a royal
Priesthood a kingdom of Priest, it is an institution of heaven
all the blessings that are sealed upon us will do us no good unless
we live for them {Remember son Wilford}. The Lord has in store for his children
Every good thing the heart can desire in righteousness. The
Celestial kingdom will be on this Earth to us when we are
celestial with the Earth. The Earth when it fell went Millions
of miles from the presence of God & when it returns back it will
go millions of miles from its present position to whare it came
from. Whare is the Mechanic that has knowlede Enough to lay
the first cornor stone of the New Jerrusalem {God might reveal this to someone}
Ancient Israel the seed of Abraham was not found worthy
to keep the Melchezedeck Priesthood, what then is to be done.
The Lord said I will in the Last days raise up a generation of
Men, a royal Priesthood who would come forth to redeem the death
of Israel as well as the Liveing. This is our work ye latter Day
Saints. Then rise up ye Latter Day Saints of God & do the work
of God required at your. The Lord Acknowledged Ancient Israel
because they were the best there was, but there was not light Enough

to light one match. The breath of this people would sanctify the Camp
of Israel
as it was Anciently. And now I will say to all the people get
your Endowments & be sealed, then your children will be legal heirs
to the priesthood & Birth right if this is not the case with you your
children will have to be sealed to you. Capt Hooper then spoke 5 minutes
President Young then returned thanks to the people for their kindness to
him & his company. I do not feel worthy to receive the blessings that
I Enjoy. I have lived to see the day that I can travel all the time in the
midst of Saints And I will say to all the Saints lay aside all your
Business & come to meeting & hear what I & my brethren say to you
He spoke 5 minutes. Br Vancott spoke in Danish 15 minutes G. D. Watt 10.
Meeting was dismissed by President Young. He blessed the people
we rode in the rain to Springtown & spent the night with Br Ellis 6 m[iles]


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246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
101 mentions
Scriptural Figure
171 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Van Cott, John
7 Sep 1814 - 18 Feb 1883
Young, Joseph Watson
12 Jan 1829 - 7 Jun 1873
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions


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. The Lord instituted Polygamy to raise up a royal Priesthood a kingdom of Priest, it is an institution of heaven all the blessings that are sealed upon us will do us no good unless we live for them
~ Brigham Young
The Lord has in store for his children Every good thing the heart can desire in righteousness.
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1865-07-13
Elder W. Woodruff.—The Lord gives unto us revelation and truth as fast as we can make good use of them. It is a great blessing for us to know that we have the gospel, and not to be in doubt or in ignorance of our true position, which was the case before we embraced this work. We have apostles and prophets, a foundation upon which to rest our faith. The position we occupy, to-day, is vastly superior to that of the world. We read in the Book of Mor- mon that no nation or people will be permitted to dwell upon this land when the cup of their iniquity is full; when that is the case they cannot escape being overthrown. He quoted an instance from the Book of Mormon, where the Nephite nation were destroyed because of their sins. The spirit of God is being withheld from the nations of the earth, because of their iniquity. This is a good people. The Lord is striving with them. The Spirit of the Lord rests upon them, and they desire continually to do right and to live in the command- ments of the Lord. As the wicked be- come more wicked, we should increase in righteousness. This is the kingdom of God and will prevail. The ancient prophets spoke of this kingdom and this day in which we live, when the earth should be sanctified, and the way prepared for the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven. God has given us wise men to lead us, and the Lord reveals His secrets unto His ser- vants the prophets. We are the sons of Israel and the daughters of Zion, and God is our friend; and we know that we are right. We should seek to be- come sanctified before the Lord, and not to do any thing unless we are sure it is right. It is important that we teach our children righteous principles, for we fathers are wearing out, and they will have to step forth and continue the work that we are engaged in. If parents instil righteous principles in the minds of their children, those chil- dren will be affected by them through- out all their lives. The children God has given to this people are a great blessing to them, and should be care- fully reared and educated, for the Lord is raising among us a kingdom of priests. Children have got faith in what their parents teach them, and parents should not conduct themselves contrary to what they teach their chil- dren, that the precepts they teach may be sustained by example. Let us pray to our Father in heaven, for He holds the elements in His own hands, and can use them to hedge up the way of the wicked. Prayer is a mighty weapon, and we should be armed with it, as well as with other preparations, and thus be ready for what ever may occur. Let us be faithful before the Lord and prize and profit by these visits of our President.

Jul 13, 1865