19 I met with a company of Brethren in the Meeting
House to organize a school of the Prophets, it was
organized By appointing Bishop Fairbanks President &
Borother Thurber vice President J Coombs Secretary
O Simons Treasurer Presid[en]t Young spoke 15 Minutes
then the rules were read & excepted. We then drove to
Santaquin & held a Meeting at 10 oclok Joseph Young sen
Prayed then spoke 40 minutes D. H. Wells spoke 25 m[inutes] G. Q. Cannon
28 m[inutes] We then drove to Nephi City 25 miles
A large procession of Men women & children met us in the
street they had Erected large Pyramids of Evergreen
with a welcome Erected upon them I stoped with Edward
Oakey. A Meeting was held in the meeting House J Vancott
Joseph W. Young Joseph W. Young Joseph F. Smith A M
Musser & Joseph Young sen all spoke at the Meeting. Presid[en]t
Young D. H. Wells W. Woodruff G Q Cannon met with
with Bishop Bryon J Bigler & S Pitchforth in council
Bishop Bryon Brought an accusation against J Bigler
Bishop Bryon had commit a grieveious sin & acknowledged
it to Bigler when he was Bishop & now accused Brother Bigler
of revealing it, But the investigation proved that woman had
revealed it & Bishop Bryon was required to take the woman
& support her & to resign his Bishopprick both of which he
said he would do. G A Smith gave Endowments to 61 & sealed 34 couple
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