May 2nd I visited many of the Saints also the sunday school
Our Meeting assembled at 10 oclok G Q Cannon spoke 58 M[inutes]
B Young Jr 32 Joseph W Young spok 10 M[inutes], Presid[en]t B
Young spoke 8 Minutes He said if you want to know why we
want to settle this southern country one reason is this, if
the Nation Makes war upon us again we want some place to go
to whare we can have a safe place to keep our women & children in
while we have to defend our homes. Afternoon president Joseph
Young spoke 36 Minutes G Dunford spoke 13 M[inutes] President B Young
spoke 60 Minuts & said I do not know that I have spent
one Moment to reflect whether I should be saved or not. I know
that I am serving a God that will do right & He has given
me a work to do And I ask God to Give me Grace and
wisdom to perform it & I leave all Events in his hands. He then
read the word of wisdom & said this people never saw the
day that they were willing for God to rule over us in all things
there is not one in a thousand willing for it. During the whole
war we were the ownly People in the United States who
were safe in person & property they did not call for any
Men I am Glad of it. The Nation is agoing to have war
& Blood up to there Horses Bridles & they will be destroyed
I have sPaid to this people more than two Million of Dollars
and they would hunt up some Gentile to give it to him there is
still many tares with the wheat a[mo]ng this people what shall we do
with them let them grow with the wheat untill the Harvest
The rules of the schools were then read to the Assembly
I spent the night with Wilford at Sister Woolleys
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I do not know that I have spent one Moment to reflect whether I should be saved or not. I know that I am serving a God that will do right & He has given me a work to do And I ask God to Give me Grace and wisdom to perform it & I leave all Events in his hands. He then read the word of wisdom & said this people never saw the day that they were willing for God to rule over us in all things there is not one in a thousand willing for it.
I have told you what I Expect with regard to Celestial Marriage there will be but vary few men crowned as Gods in the Eternal world
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.